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Chemistry版 - [代发]中科院化学所招聘
Physical Chemistry Postdoc Research Opportunity at Boston Universitypaper help! with link
求电子书Tenure-Track AP Opening in Theoretical Chemistry @ UNR
review opportunityFaculty position: polymer science, Zhejiang Univ.
诚招博士后-ultrafast laser spectroscopy问大家一个问题
Paper Help (包子答谢)Paper Help, Thanks! { Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition }
Assistant Professor of Computational Chemistry , Department of Chemistry, University of LouisvillePaper help, many thanks!
招聘:中国上海联合利华 Research Scientist – Spectroscopypaper help, baozi
话题: chemistry话题: structural话题: research话题: program话题: talents
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
The State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Unstable and
Stable Species at Institute of
Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences invites applications for
research professor positions in physical chemistry broadly defined,
including but not limited to the following areas:
(1) Theoretical and computational chemistry;
(2) Free radical chemistry and biology; Structural chemical-biology;
(3) Spectroscopy; Cluster chemistry;
(4) Single molecule physical chemistry and molecular imaging;
(5) Ultrafast structural dynamics and reaction dynamics;
(6) New methodology and technology in structural chemistry.
The successful candidate should have a Ph. D degree in physical
chemistry or related areas, and
at least 3 years oversea postdoctoral research experience. A strong
background and interest in basic research is required, and the
potential for establishing a recognized research team is expected. The
proposed research should either complement or strengthen existing
areas in our department. We can also help the applicants in applying
the "Hundred Talents Program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the
newly established “Thousand Talents Program for young scholars” if
they are qualified.
Interested candidates can send a resume(CV), publication list, and
statement of research interests to Prof. Maofa Ge (email:
g*****[email protected]).
Information about our institute can be found at
Thousand Talents Program for young scholars:
1 (共1页)
paper help, baozi诚招博士后-ultrafast laser spectroscopy
chemistry phd is the end of science careerPaper Help (包子答谢)
ZZ: PhD/postdoc positions at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (转载)Assistant Professor of Computational Chemistry , Department of Chemistry, University of Louisville
postdoc opening@Sloan-Kettering Institute (转载)招聘:中国上海联合利华 Research Scientist – Spectroscopy
Physical Chemistry Postdoc Research Opportunity at Boston Universitypaper help! with link
求电子书Tenure-Track AP Opening in Theoretical Chemistry @ UNR
review opportunityFaculty position: polymer science, Zhejiang Univ.
话题: chemistry话题: structural话题: research话题: program话题: talents