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Chemistry版 - paper help, thanks
paper help, thanks!转一个上海研发中心诚聘Assistant Research Scientist (Polym
Paper help!Paper Help!!! (Baozi, Baozi!)
How to determine free volume in polymersConjugated Polymer
paper help两篇文章求助: J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem
(有偿)求paper review 机会 -- polymer贴几个高分子位置 (请勿联系我) (转载)
paper help, thanks!! (转载)求审稿机会(polymer, biomaterials, tissue engineering, drug delivery_
Organic Chemist job openingPaper help, Polymer Chemistry, 有链接
Please help with two papers. Thanks a lot! {J polym sci part A; J Appl Polym Sci}}papers (two) help, thank you
话题: polymer话题: rubber话题: issue话题: journal话题: volume
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 438
I know a lot of papers I am asking, Thanks in advance.
1. Comparison of hyperelastic models for rubber-like materials
MARCKMANN G. (1) ; VERRON E. (1) ;
Rubber chemistry and technology, 2006, vol. 79, no5, pp. 835-858 [24 page(s)
(article)] (74 ref.)
2.Constitutive equations for amended non-Gaussian network models of rubber
Alex Elías-Zúñiga, a and Millard F. Beatty
International Journal of Engineering Science
Volume 40, Issue 20, December 2002, Pages 2265-2294
3.Modeling hyperelastic behavior of rubber: A novel invariant-based and a
review of constitutive models
T. Beda
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics,Volume 45, Issue 13,
pages 1713–1732, 1 July 2007
4.Hybrid continuum model for large elastic deformation of rubber
Beda, T.; Chevalier, Y.;
Journal of Applied Physics ,Aug 2003 ,Volume: 94 Issue:4 ,2701 - 2706
5.Reconciling the fundamental phenomenological expression of the strain
energy of rubber with established experimental facts
T. Beda,
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
Volume 43, Issue 2, pages 125–134, 15 January 2005
6. Pressure Dependent Properties of a Compressible Polymer
N. Koprowski-Theiß, M. Johlitz and S. Diebels
Experimental Mechanics DOI: 10.1007/s11340-011-9489-9
7. A new attempt to reconcile the statistical and phenomenological theories
of rubber elasticity
O. H. Yeoh, P. D. Fleming
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
Volume 35, Issue 12, pages 1919–1931, 15 September 1997
发帖数: 3142
1 (共1页)
papers (two) help, thank you(有偿)求paper review 机会 -- polymer
paper help! Thanks!!paper help, thanks!! (转载)
谁来说说UC Berkeley和Berkeley lab的几个实验室Organic Chemist job opening
Review opportunity_Physical chemistry/Protein denaturation (gone!)Please help with two papers. Thanks a lot! {J polym sci part A; J Appl Polym Sci}}
paper help, thanks!转一个上海研发中心诚聘Assistant Research Scientist (Polym
Paper help!Paper Help!!! (Baozi, Baozi!)
How to determine free volume in polymersConjugated Polymer
paper help两篇文章求助: J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem
话题: polymer话题: rubber话题: issue话题: journal话题: volume