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Chemistry版 - 这周六 SABPA Entrepreneur Symposium (转载)
求推荐:Automatic Flash Pointer Analyzer有人参加ASBMB-PTM Symposium么?
Nature paper help, Thanks!Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now
SABPA BioPharma Conference June 8 (转载)双簧包求文献
第二届宁波“3315计划”生命健康专业海外(圣地亚哥)创业创新(转载)For those interested in career opportunities
发一个利好的消息关于ACS conference proceeding的问题
求文献,50伪币答谢Paper help! THanks
Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center这次在普林的National Organic Symposium真无聊啊。
话题: us话题: tax话题: property话题: intangible话题: sabpa
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40
【 以下文字转载自 SanDiego 讨论区 】
发信人: SABPA (美中生物技术与医药协会), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: 这周六 SABPA Entrepreneur Symposium
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 14 19:39:43 2013, 美东)
The 13th SABPA Entrepreneur Symposium
When: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Saturday, May 18th, 2013
Where: Knobbe Martens Intellectual Property Law, 12790 El Camino Real, San
Diego, CA 92130
Lecture Title: US Tax Planning on the Intangible Property Acquisition and
Registration: http://sabpa.org/web/reg_2013_May_Entrepreneur.php
Free event if register online by Thursday May 16th. Registration is
required. Onsite registration is $5 per person.
Lecture Summary: Tax experts at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will discuss:
What Considered Intangible Property for US Income Tax Purpose
US Income Tax Implications for Transferring US Intangible Property
US Income Tax Planning for Acquiring US Intangible Property
US Transfer Pricing Planning on US Intangible Property
Speaker: Deborah Lee, Tax Partner and Windy Ng, Tax Director,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
5:00 to 5:30 pm: Reception and Networking
5:30 to 5:40 pm: Welcome and Announcement
5:40 to 6:40 pm: Presentation and Q&A
6:40 to 7:30 pm: Networking
1 (共1页)
这次在普林的National Organic Symposium真无聊啊。发一个利好的消息
85th ACS Symposium, Montreal, Canada 求同住室友和旅友(phone update)文献求助
Moving Targets Symposium 2011: Aging and Oxidative Stress (转载)求文献,50伪币答谢
2012 Kauffman Postdoctoral Entrepreneur Awards(ZZ)Mark the date: CLSPA Career Symposium 2010 on Oct. 30th at Columbia University Medical Center
求推荐:Automatic Flash Pointer Analyzer有人参加ASBMB-PTM Symposium么?
Nature paper help, Thanks!Reminder: CLSPA Career Symposium early bird registration ends today, register now
SABPA BioPharma Conference June 8 (转载)双簧包求文献
第二届宁波“3315计划”生命健康专业海外(圣地亚哥)创业创新(转载)For those interested in career opportunities
话题: us话题: tax话题: property话题: intangible话题: sabpa