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Chemistry版 - SABPA BioPharma Conference June 8 (转载)
求大牛推荐San Diego 地区药厂的合成工作lab 三个 graduate 全部参加 ACS talk, 实验室水平如何?
求推荐San Diego 地区药厂的drug discovery工作家里有一个表弟想出国读化学的本科
帮忙推荐一炉子17th 华美化学与化工学会-Great Lakes Chapter年会
Help me with this paper! Thanks a lot!这周六 SABPA Entrepreneur Symposium (转载)
Help me please! Thanks a lots!化学PhD拿20万一年容易吗?
pharmaceutical industry18届华美化学与化工学会-Great Lakes Chapter年会
paper help. thank you!内推LC-MS相关职位
1 baozi, if you get this paper for me. Thanks!国内大药厂工作机会
话题: san话题: diego话题: ceo话题: sabpa话题: june
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发帖数: 40
【 以下文字转载自 SanDiego 讨论区 】
发信人: SABPA (美中生物技术与医药协会), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: SABPA BioPharma Conference June 8
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 31 02:16:38 2013, 美东)
Date: June 8th, 2013, 8:00am – 4:45pm
Location: Hilton, San Diego/Del Mar
Directions: Go to the bottom of page
Registration: https://www.123signup.com/register?id=bdkys
$30 for early birds (by June 2), $50 before end of June 5, $80 for onsite
registration, students and postdocs $10 off (The fees include parking at the
hotel, program brochure, continental breakfast, coffee break, and lunch).
Online registration closes on June 2.
Organizer: Sino-American Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Professionals
Association (SABPA)
Co-organizer: SDCAA, ACS, UCSD
Sino-American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (
SABPA) is a local non-profit professional organization http://www.sabpa.org. At this year’s San Diego Bio-Pharma Conference, we bring together top-notched speakers to discuss recent breakthroughs in life science and latest industry trends on a global scale. We are also putting together a very rare and exciting drug discovery panel representing elite local companies with drugs that have recently gained FDA approvals to showcase San Diego’s drug discovery success stories. The program is guaranteed to generate sizzling discussion and stimulate new ideas with renewed enthusiasm of investing in San Diego biotech.
8:00 am Exhibition (all day)
8:00 am Continental Breakfast & Registration
8:45 am Opening Remarks
Mingzhu Zhang, President, SABPA San Diego
Mao Mao, Research Fellow, Pfizer, Inc
9:00 am Keynote Speech: Personalized Medicine in Complex Human Disease: A
Cautionary Tale
Gary S. Firestein, M.D., Director, Clinical and Translational Research
The Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor, Translational Medicine, UC San Diego
9:40 am Session I. Drug Discovery in the Post-Genomic Era
Session Chair: Wendy Wang, Sr. Engineer, Genoptix
Title: Innovating in Peptide and Protein Therapeutic Space: Recent Progress
and Future
Keith James, Ph.D., President, Ferring Research Institute.
Sr. VP, R&D, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Title: Maximizing Success of Drug development by Optimal Patient
Shabnam Tangri, Ph.D., Executive Director, Genoptix.
Head, Clinical Trial Center of Exellence, Genoptix
10:40 am Coffee Break
11:00 am Session II (Plenary Discussion): Made in San Diego
Moderator: Jonathan Lim, M.D., CEO, Ignyta; Managing Partner, City Hill
Jean Cui, Ph.D., Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer Inc.
Jack Lief, CEO, Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Larry Z. Shen, Ph.D., VP, Corporate Analytics, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, LLC,
a Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Wendell Wierenga, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, R&D, Santarus
Ashley Van Zeelan, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO, Cypher Genomics
12:00 am Luncheon
1:30 pm San Diego Bio-Pharma Achievement Award
Moderator: Ming Guo, Vice President, Ascentage Pharma
Award Recipients: Jack Lief, CEO, Arena Pharmaceuticals
1:40 pm Session III: Charting a New Course for Innovations
Session Chair: JC Xu, Director, Biology, Quanticel Pharmaceuticals
1:45 pm Title: Creating a Successful Biotech Company … a Work in
Jack Lief, Ph.D., CEO of Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc.
2:15pm Title: CTI: A New Model for Accelerating Translation of Basic
Academic Science to the
Richard A. Lindberg, Ph.D., Executive Director and Head of the Centers for
Therapeutic Innovation-
California, Pfizer
Title: Life Sciences VC Financing in China & India
Justin Chakma, B.Sc., Analyst, Thomas, McNerny & Partners
3:10 pm Coffee Break
3:30 pm Session IV Plenary Discussion: Innovations in China
Moderator: Xiao Xu, President, ACEA Biosciences Inc.
Shiang Huang, M.D., Founder and CEO, Kindstar Global
Youling Wu, Ph.D., CEO, Teruisi Pharmaceutical Inc.
Tracy T. Yeo, Ph.D., Director, Consulting at ChinaBio, LLC
Xiaokun Zhang, Ph.D., Professor and Dean, Institute of Biomedical Research,
University; Professor, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, USA
4:45 pm Closing Remark
Hui Li, Ph.D., Chair, Board of Directors, SABPA
1 (共1页)
国内大药厂工作机会Help me please! Thanks a lots!
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代发上海公司招聘帖-高级有机合成研究员/主任paper help. thank you!
招聘-有机合成岗位招聘(上海)1 baozi, if you get this paper for me. Thanks!
求大牛推荐San Diego 地区药厂的合成工作lab 三个 graduate 全部参加 ACS talk, 实验室水平如何?
求推荐San Diego 地区药厂的drug discovery工作家里有一个表弟想出国读化学的本科
帮忙推荐一炉子17th 华美化学与化工学会-Great Lakes Chapter年会
Help me with this paper! Thanks a lot!这周六 SABPA Entrepreneur Symposium (转载)
话题: san话题: diego话题: ceo话题: sabpa话题: june