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Chemistry版 - paper help bao zi thanks
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paper help bao zi thanksPaper help!
paper help bao zi thanksACS paper, help please. baozi for each
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靠pH值和离子强度来稳定colloidal silica?paper help bao zi thanks
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话题: silica话题: langmuir话题: colloidal话题: pp话题: sanchez
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6923
(35) Blas, H.; Save, M.; Pasetto, P.; Boissiere, C.; Sanchez, C.;
Charleux, B. Langmuir 2008, 24, 13132–13137.
(23) Hah, J. S.; Kim, B. J.; Jeon, S. M.; Koo, Y. E. Chem. Commun.
2003, 14, 1712–1713.
Particle Size Control of Colloidal Suspensions of Mesostructured Silica
Andreas Berggren and Anders E. C. Palmqvist
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112 (3), pp 732–737
Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Colloidal Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Silica
Nanocomposites in the Absence of Auxiliary Comonomers
M. J. Percy and S. P. Armes
Langmuir, 2002, 18 (12), pp 4562–4565
Elaboration of Monodisperse Spherical Hollow Particles with Ordered
Mesoporous Silica Shells via Dual Latex/Surfactant Templating: Radial
Orientation of Mesopore Channels
Hélène Blas, Maud Save, Pamela Pasetto, Cédric Boissière, Clément
Sanchez and Bernadette Charleux
pp 13132–13137
Microfluidic Synthesis of Colloidal Silica
Saif A. Khan, Axel Günther, Martin A. Schmidt, and Klavs F. Jensen
Langmuir, 2004, 20 (20), pp 8604–8611
发帖数: 198
1 (共1页)
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paper help, pleasepaper help link available baozi thanks
来讨论下Physical Chemistry的journalspaper help baozi thanks
求电子书一本: The Chemistry of Silica by Ralph K. Iler 谢谢了!book chapter help baozi
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paper help bao zi thanksPaper help!
paper help bao zi thanksACS paper, help please. baozi for each
paper help bao zi thanks求paper,包子谢
话题: silica话题: langmuir话题: colloidal话题: pp话题: sanchez