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Chemistry版 - Postdoc position in Surface Science
Postdoc available in Surface Reaction Dynamics using UHV-STMpaper help please! Thanks a lot!
无机合成和表面分析,哪个找工作比较好?在线等postdoc position in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
[高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in organic electronic device f (转载)求文献, link included
paper help, thanks!!真心求助几道本科无机试题
paper needed. thank youpapers for help--thanks a lot
SCI期刊征审稿人和投稿 (转载)求paper
Ph.D. Positions in ME@SUNY Binghamtonpaper help
招化学化工方向的学生啦Paper help! THanks!
话题: science话题: surface话题: guangwen话题: zhou话题: uhv
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 91
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Professor Guangwen
Zhou’s group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University
of New York (SUNY), Binghamton. The appointment is initially for a duration
of one year, annually renewable up to three years. The project addresses the
atomistic mechanism of the redox reactions between metals and metal oxides
using surface science tools including variable-temperature ultrahigh vacuum
(UHV) scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low-energy electron microscopy (
LEEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). We seek a highly
motivated researcher with well-developed analytical and technical skills who
wishes an opportunity to make a substantial scientific contribution. We
expect a postdoc with a PhD in physics, materials science, chemistry, or in
a closely related field, who has strong experimental and theoretical
background in surface physics, ultra-high vacuum (UHV) systems, and sample
preparation under UHV conditions. This project is at the intersection of
surface science and materials science, with a comprehensive synergy between
experiments and theoretical simulations. For more information about the
research in Prof. Guangwen Zhou's group, please visit: http://ws.binghamton.edu/me/Zhou/index.html
Inquiries should include a curriculum vitae, publication list and the
complete contact information for three references. Review of applications
will begin immediately.
Contact: Professor Guangwen Zhou
Department of Mechanical Engineering
State University of New York at Binghamton
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
Phone: (607) 777-5084
Email: [email protected]
/* */
1 (共1页)
Paper help! THanks!paper needed. thank you
请教 粗糙表面成分分析SCI期刊征审稿人和投稿 (转载)
need paper helpPh.D. Positions in ME@SUNY Binghamton
Paper help, thanks!招化学化工方向的学生啦
Postdoc available in Surface Reaction Dynamics using UHV-STMpaper help please! Thanks a lot!
无机合成和表面分析,哪个找工作比较好?在线等postdoc position in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
[高薪薄后职位招聘中] Postdoc in organic electronic device f (转载)求文献, link included
paper help, thanks!!真心求助几道本科无机试题
话题: science话题: surface话题: guangwen话题: zhou话题: uhv