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Chemistry版 - several papers needed. thank you
paper needed. thank youOne paper, please! Thanks a lot!
paper needed. thank youpapers (two)help, thank you
GLCACS Annual Summer Picnic August 17 (Saturday) (转载)Anal.Chem.主编不点名批评一类文章了
华美化学与化工学会Summer BBQOne more paper please! Thanks a lot!
大湖区华美化学与化工学会夏季野餐会One paper please! Thanks a lot!
文献求助,谢谢Paper help, please { Journal of applied polymer science}
asymmetrical chitosan 怎么翻译?非专业人士请高人指点Please help me! Thanks a lot!
please help me with this paper. Thanks a lot!求paper,thanks:)
话题: issue话题: food话题: volume话题: pages
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 210
1. Evaluation of sodium lactate as a replacement for conventional chemical
preservatives in comminuted sausages inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes
Meat Science Volume 65, Issue 1, September 2003, Pages 531–537
2. Bacterial Spore Inhibition and Inactivation in Foods by Pressure,
Chemical Preservatives, and Mild Heat
Journal of Food Protection®, Number 11, November 2000, pp. 1467-1609,
pp. 1503-1510(8)
3. Food irradiation: Is it an alternative to chemical preservatives?
Food Additives & Contaminants Volume 9, Issue 5, 1992 pages 409-416
4. Control of microbiological quality and shelf-life of catfish (Clarias
gariepinus) by chemical preservatives and smoking
Journal of Applied Bacteriology
Volume 80, Issue 5, pages 465–470, May 1996
5. Chitosan and mint mixture: A new preservative for meat and meat products
Food Chemistry
Volume 107, Issue 2, 15 March 2008, Pages 845–852
6. Tunisian Salvia officinalis L. and Schinus molle L. essential oils: Their
chemical compositions and their preservative effects against Salmonella
inoculated in minced beef meat
International Journal of Food Microbiology
Volume 125, Issue 3, 31 July 2008, Pages 242–251
发帖数: 76
I couldn't find the third one, but you should get my Email for the other
five already. Good luck
发帖数: 76
Hold on, what's your Email address
1 (共1页)
Paper help! THanks!文献求助,谢谢
版上的化学牛人们,问个壳寡糖的问题asymmetrical chitosan 怎么翻译?非专业人士请高人指点
Please help me with this paper. Thanks!please help me with this paper. Thanks a lot!
paper needed. thank youOne paper, please! Thanks a lot!
paper needed. thank youpapers (two)help, thank you
GLCACS Annual Summer Picnic August 17 (Saturday) (转载)Anal.Chem.主编不点名批评一类文章了
华美化学与化工学会Summer BBQOne more paper please! Thanks a lot!
话题: issue话题: food话题: volume话题: pages