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Chemistry版 - SCI期刊征审稿人和投稿 (转载)
Paper help! Many thanks!paper help, thank you
3 Papers Help!papers (two) help, thank you
paper help again, Thanks a lotPapers Help, Thanks
Postdoc position in Surface Sciencepapers (two) help, thank you
paper needed. thank youPaper help! Many thanks!
请教:光电化学反应,Cl2还是O2出来?paper help (J. Electrochem. Soc. )
paper help please, thanksPaper help, Thanks
话题: oxidation话题: 8226话题: journal话题: processes话题: submission
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20
【 以下文字转载自 Environmental 讨论区 】
发信人: blood (kaka), 信区: Environmental
标 题: SCI期刊征审稿人和投稿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 16 22:35:33 2017, 美东)
希望这个领域的博士生来帮忙审稿, 也欢迎大家来投稿,期刊一年出版2期, 下一期
是今年7月,录用的文章都会在7月这期出版。可以把你的简历发到[email protected]/* */
另外2015年2016年的所有文章已经可以free access
投稿网站: Online Submission of Manuscripts: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jaot
You are cordially invited to submit your research paper to Journal of
Advanced Oxidation Technologies (ISSN: 1203-8407, eISSN 2371-1175).
The Volumes 18 (2015) and 19 (2016) are freely accessible at https://www.
Aims and Scopes:
The Journal of advanced oxidation technologies (AOTs) has been providing an
international forum that accepts papers describing basic research and
practical applications of these technologies. The Journal has been
publishing articles in the form of critical reviews and research papers
focused on the science and engineering of AOTs for water, air and soil
treatment. Due to the enormous progress in the applications of various
chemical and bio-oxidation and reduction processes, the scope of the Journal
is now expanded to include submission in these areas so that high quality
submission from industry would also be considered for publication.
Specifically, the Journal is soliciting submission in the following areas (
alphabetical order):
• Electron Beam & Gamma Irradiation
• Photochemical Degradation Processes
• Chemical Oxidation and Reduction Processes
• Electrochemical Oxidation
• Electrohydraulic Discharge, Cavitation & Sonolysise
• TiO2 Photocatalytic Redox Processes
• Catalytic Oxidation
• Sub- and Supercritical Water Oxidation
• Non-Thermal Plasma
• Bio-Oxidation and Reduction Processes

Abstracting & Indexing:
Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE)
American Society for Information Science" (ASIS)
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)

1 (共1页)
求paperpaper needed. thank you
Paper help! Thanks a lot!请教:光电化学反应,Cl2还是O2出来?
Postdoctoral Position (转载)paper help please, thanks
求文献, link included求文献,因为比较老,自己查不到
Paper help! Many thanks!paper help, thank you
3 Papers Help!papers (two) help, thank you
paper help again, Thanks a lotPapers Help, Thanks
Postdoc position in Surface Sciencepapers (two) help, thank you
话题: oxidation话题: 8226话题: journal话题: processes话题: submission