

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Chemistry版 - 工作机会 polymer 方向,新泽西
Postdoc position on Nano Thin Film researchJob Opportunity--Scientist -Sensing
玻璃上的半透明金属薄膜厚度如何测量?? (转载)求个文献, 谢谢
Positions for PhD students and Postdoc at USCpaper help,thanks a lot
Paper help please! thanks!光化学有关的几个问题,请求大侠指点一二
贴一个工作机会,中型上市公司,Process Engineer, 职位在比利时paper help, thanks.
job openingPaper help
我们公司急需招聘一名有经验的paper help, thank you
十个包子问个ellipsometer的问题,多谢postdoc opportunity available
话题: 8226话题: led话题: materials话题: product话题: candidate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 40
最好有身份和背景吻合,职位要求如下,请私信联系, 谢谢。
Your role:
• Work in Thick Film R&D Team. Focus on thick film product
development and scale up for LED related applications.
• Operate FAB and materials testing tools for product development and
application support activities in the assigned areas.
• Conduct characterization of new materials and optimization of new
formulations to further improve performance of the products targeted.
• Summarize test results in adequate technical reports and data
• Provide strong support to customers and internally to LED Marketing,
local sales and Product Engineering group.
• Candidates must be skillful in collecting data, analyzing
information and summarizing results in written or oral format, and handling
• Job requires working at flexible hours sometimes and possibly some
traveling for technical support
Who you are:
• Ph.D. degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or related
material science fields, experience working in photochemistry, polymer or
semiconductor related materials.
• Good understanding of IC or LED processing technology and principles
of photoresist materials is preferred
• Candidate should be experienced in handling FAB / resist processing
and testing equipment, such as lithographic exposure tools, coating tracks,
SEM, ellipsometer etc
• Experience in dealing with LED customers is a plus.
• Candidates should demonstrate high level of self-directing
capability and familiar with MS office software
• Flexible and be able to handle multi-tasks assigned,
• Have excellent communication and problem solving skills.
• Candidate must be a god team player with good interpersonal skills.
1 (共1页)
postdoc opportunity available贴一个工作机会,中型上市公司,Process Engineer, 职位在比利时
Paper help! THanksjob opening
Paper help! THanks我们公司急需招聘一名有经验的
Postdoc position on Nano Thin Film researchJob Opportunity--Scientist -Sensing
玻璃上的半透明金属薄膜厚度如何测量?? (转载)求个文献, 谢谢
Positions for PhD students and Postdoc at USCpaper help,thanks a lot
Paper help please! thanks!光化学有关的几个问题,请求大侠指点一二
话题: 8226话题: led话题: materials话题: product话题: candidate