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Chess版 - I like chinese chess
[公告] Chess 板的投票结果Strongest Chinese Chess Software
Re: close board annoucementtoday is a good day.
ICCS是open source的吗?来个bbs的比赛如何?
chess BMchinese chess tourment
[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)Online Xiangqi website?
国际象棋智商测验anywone play chess with me?
Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players下棋?
Re: Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Againstxie jun out
话题: like话题: chess话题: now话题: chinese话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
I like chinese chess. I began to play it when I was
an pupil. My father is my first teacher on it. I like it
madly when I was a high school student. If I keep this way
I would be a superior now. Unfortunately I played it only
few times later.
Now I also like it but not a good player. sigh.
发帖数: 443
i like both chesses

【在 L*****y 的大作中提到】
: I like chinese chess. I began to play it when I was
: an pupil. My father is my first teacher on it. I like it
: madly when I was a high school student. If I keep this way
: I would be a superior now. Unfortunately I played it only
: few times later.
: Now I also like it but not a good player. sigh.

1 (共1页)
xie jun out[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)
chessmaster 8k released国际象棋智商测验
yahooLooking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players
how about organizing a chinese chess game now?Re: Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against
[公告] Chess 板的投票结果Strongest Chinese Chess Software
Re: close board annoucementtoday is a good day.
ICCS是open source的吗?来个bbs的比赛如何?
chess BMchinese chess tourment
话题: like话题: chess话题: now话题: chinese话题: my