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Chicago版 - 寻找华人房地产代理人
求推荐可以帮foreign buyer的地产律师终于close了,Baird & Warner太坑爹了
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)终于close了,Baird & Warner太坑爹了
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请推荐property mgmt comp请推荐Realtor: Evanston/Wilmette/Winnetka/Skokie/North Chicago
话题: foreign话题: irs话题: gifts话题: form话题: bequest
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 186
Evanston地区。有short sale经验。有海外GIFT经验。多谢!
发帖数: 59
你是要买还是卖shortsale的房子? 如果是买, 对方的代理人和律师很重要, 你这一方
人帮不上很多忙, 就像正常买房一样, 帮你看房, 下合同, 检查房子, 然后就等对方的
银行批. 如果是卖, 你需要一个有经验的律师和代理人,因为银行手续繁多很难对付.
参照IRS的规定, 如果中国的父母一年之内双方给你$100,000以下, 不用申报. 超过这
个数目, 填写IRS3520表格. http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Gifts-from-Foreign-Person.
IRS Reporting Requirements for Foreign Gifts or Inheritances Received by U.S
. Citizens or Resident Aliens
In order to determine if your foreign gift or bequest must be reported to
the IRS, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it foreign income or a foreign gift or bequest? The first step in
determining if you need to report your foreign gift or bequest to the IRS is
decide if the cash or property received is income or can be characterized
as a gift. Income, of course, would be reported as income on your personal
income tax return. Amounts paid for qualified tuition or medical bills on
behalf of a U.S. person are not considered gifts or income (refer to What
Gifts Are Not Subject to the Gift Tax? for more information on this topic).
If the money or property received from the foreign person or entity can be
rightfully characterized as a gift or bequest, then proceed to #2 to learn
about the IRS reporting thresholds.
What is the value of the foreign gift or bequest? If during the course of
the year:
(a) The value of the gifts and bequests received from a nonresident alien
individual or foreign estate, which must also include gifts or bequests
received from foreign persons related to the nonresident alien individual or
foreign estate, exceeds $100,000, or
(b) The value of the gifts received from foreign corporations or foreign
partnerships, which must also include gifts received from foreign persons
related to the foreign corporations or partnerships, exceeds $14,723 in 2012
, $15,102 in 2013, or $15,358 in 2014 (this value is adjusted annually for
inflation), then
You must file IRS Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions With
Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.
When is IRS Form 3520 Due? Use IRS Form 3520 to report foreign gifts or
bequests you received during the course of any given year at the same time
you file your personal income tax return. In other words, IRS Form 3520 is
due on the same date as your annual income tax return, including extensions.
For example, $120,000 in foreign gifts and bequests received during 2014
need to be reported on IRS Form 3520 on or before April 15, 2015, provided
that you have not timely requested an extension to file your 2014 personal
income tax return.
Are there any penalties for not timely filing IRS Form 3520? You may be
subject to a penalty equal to 5%, but not to exceed 25%, of the amount of
the foreign gift or bequest for each month for which failure to report
continues. You may also be subject to a penalty if you file IRS Form 3520
but it is incomplete or inaccurate.
最好问一下你的贷款人或会计 to make sure.
Lily Liu @Realtor,
Baird & Warner Residential
lilyliu@bairdwarner. com

【在 s***i 的大作中提到】
: Evanston地区。有short sale经验。有海外GIFT经验。多谢!
1 (共1页)
请推荐Realtor: Evanston/Wilmette/Winnetka/Skokie/North Chicago请教买房
我想买新建的房子,请问到什么地方或网站找信息?谢谢求推荐----甭管房子好不好都能侃价的buyer agents!
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求推荐可以帮foreign buyer的地产律师终于close了,Baird & Warner太坑爹了
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)终于close了,Baird & Warner太坑爹了
也上来问问:lake zurick怎么样?求 arlington heights的靠谱realtor
loan origination fee 可以抵税吗?有没有Vernon Hills的房屋中介推荐?
话题: foreign话题: irs话题: gifts话题: form话题: bequest