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ChinaNews版 - 我看浪浪有直逼影帝宝座的潜力。
怎么感觉搞倒薄书记比搞倒一个政治局常委还难啊?直逼搞林彪的 (转载)本来还不错的一个中新
《华尔街日报》关于郎郎白宫演奏《我的祖国》的评论When THU invites leaders, people complain, when THU invites losers, people still complain
听朗朗的“我的祖国”,我泪流满面invited talk and paper
朗朗,做五毛就可以这么没品吗?德州国宝 - San Antonio Missions (风景贴,多图)
朗朗一个没有灵魂的钢琴演奏匠zzChristmas游记II Epcot—Peace, Love, and Well-being of Humans
郎朗为什么用英语说谎用中文爱国?德州国宝 - San Antonio Missions (风景贴,多图) (转载)
郎朗奏红歌引发西方媒体关注“钢琴政治”how to share amazon prime ya?
中国留学生杀母分尸 尸块藏冰箱内数月one possible way to keep your AA miles active
话题: music话题: know话题: lang话题: sad话题: because
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9567
Mr. LANG LANG: I feel very sad. You know, I very sad. And, you know, and I
must say, disappointing. Because, you know, as a person, what I'm trying to
do, and what my missions are, you know, making music. And, you know, I'm
very honored that people inviting me to play in those great events and to
connect us to classical music and to music, to Chinese music and to American
music, to, you know, to world music. And once, you know, people use it as a
political issue, that makes me really sad because I am a musician. I'm not
a politician. M
1 (共1页)
one possible way to keep your AA miles active朗朗一个没有灵魂的钢琴演奏匠zz
F1 got green card, how do invite parents to come?郎朗为什么用英语说谎用中文爱国?
卖Robinhood invitation,2个包子一个郎朗奏红歌引发西方媒体关注“钢琴政治”
NIU mailing list ?中国留学生杀母分尸 尸块藏冰箱内数月
怎么感觉搞倒薄书记比搞倒一个政治局常委还难啊?直逼搞林彪的 (转载)本来还不错的一个中新
《华尔街日报》关于郎郎白宫演奏《我的祖国》的评论When THU invites leaders, people complain, when THU invites losers, people still complain
听朗朗的“我的祖国”,我泪流满面invited talk and paper
朗朗,做五毛就可以这么没品吗?德州国宝 - San Antonio Missions (风景贴,多图)
话题: music话题: know话题: lang话题: sad话题: because