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ChinaNews版 - Americans Living American Dream, in CHINA
外伶仃洋的千古绝唱americans are bums
朝鲜变局中的12位关键朝鲜人(虾蟹英文写作) (转载)7:40pm Obama addressing tax cut: Wealthiest Americans inclu (转载)
我一直以为越南属于东南亚东亚女性在美国为啥这么贱! (转载)
(ZT)哈哈,好贴回放 :)骆家辉是Chinese American
CIA WorldFactbook: GDP Per Capita (PPP), 2010 Estimates海公公论:有人说你"滚回中国去“,你咋办?
Where are the American heroes ????The Keys of the current American economic crisis!!!
Western Architects Flock to China美国英雄在哪里???
一个在台湾非常火的中国大陆广告美国承认用大使馆的汽车偷运陈光诚 (转载)
话题: china话题: americans话题: living话题: american话题: beijing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Calum MacLeod, Latest Export to China: The American Dream; Visionaries cash
in on yak patties, spicy beer. USA Today, July 12, 2011 (title in print).
"At a time when many Americans back home worry whether fast-rising China is
out to eat their lunch, the number of Americans living on the Chinese
mainland has reached a record high of 71,493, according to Chinese census
bureau figures released in April. In addition, more than 60,000 Americans
live in Hong Kong, according to the U.S. State Department. A 2005 estimate
of 110,000 Americans living in China included Hong Kong residents. Another
430,000 people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau lived in China at the end of
2010, but Beijing does not count them as foreign residents.
"Despite visa hassles and headaches, the number of Americans living in China
looks set to grow. The foreign population 'shows the international standard
of a city,' argues Dai Jianzhong, a researcher from the Beijing Academy of
Social Sciences. The think tank is lobbying city hall to improve living and
working conditions for foreigners, who total just over 1% of Beijing
residents, compared with 20% in New York and London, he says.
(a) Ggreat Leap Brewing 大跃 啤酒
(b) LIU Fang 刘 芳
(c) There is no Chinese name for the drink Honey Ma Blonde.
(d) The report said, "The result is Zhilam Hostel, meaning "ancient peace
road" in Tibetan, which opened in 2008.
Zhilam Hostel 汇道客栈
(e) Wokai--Microfinance in China 我开'
(f) DAI Jianzhong 戴 建中
1 (共1页)
美国承认用大使馆的汽车偷运陈光诚 (转载)CIA WorldFactbook: GDP Per Capita (PPP), 2010 Estimates
其实在美国 Chinese Americans are well respected in the socWhere are the American heroes ????
FW: INVITATION: Wokai Chicago Chapter Launch EventWestern Architects Flock to China
我开 Wokai Happy Hour on Nov 18th (Thu)一个在台湾非常火的中国大陆广告
外伶仃洋的千古绝唱americans are bums
朝鲜变局中的12位关键朝鲜人(虾蟹英文写作) (转载)7:40pm Obama addressing tax cut: Wealthiest Americans inclu (转载)
我一直以为越南属于东南亚东亚女性在美国为啥这么贱! (转载)
(ZT)哈哈,好贴回放 :)骆家辉是Chinese American
话题: china话题: americans话题: living话题: american话题: beijing