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zz世界名牌被糟蹋 吉利购沃尔沃成国际笑话国内首部红色网游上线 没有枪战只有宣传战
中共发改委:三家电商正自查整改 厂商退出京东从淘宝是怎么火起来的说起 那些网上创业的苦B们 (转载)
北京电视台:大阅兵用上国产顶尖显示技术推荐路透社记者Freeland的一本新书 (转载)
中国粮食腾贵 外界忧心引发通膨TCL + Apple
South Korea, the Powerhouse (转载)投资德国收购德国中小企业
话题: tcl话题: tv话题: year话题: brands话题: its
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
"Amid generally gloomy data last week from Chinese manufacturers, there was
a small ray of sunshine from TCL Corp, the consumer electronics maker. TCLs
Shenzhen-listed flagship said on Friday that its profit for the first nine
months would more than quadruple from a year earlier. Good going. But if
normal market forces applied, TCL might not be around at all. In 2003, the
Guangdong-based company, 25%-owned by the municipality of Huizhou, displaced
Sony as the worlds biggest TV maker when it relieved Thomson, the French
conglomerate, of its cathode ray tube TV business. It then bought the mobile
handset business of Alcatel. As noted by Dragonomics losses from the
enlarged TV and handset operations exceeded Rmb4 billion ($627 million) in
the first three years after the deals nearly triple TCLs combined profits in
the three years before them. Those losses should have forced it into a sale
to a competitor, or at least a big restructuring. TCL had been built by
support from the local government, so it was saved by it. Discounted land,
tax breaks and cheap loans kept the company ticking over, preventing it and
others from achieving optimum margins and economies of scale."
TCL: restricted channels. Financial Times, Oct 4, 2011
My comment:
(a) This piece appeared in the Lex column, which requires subscription to
read online.
(b) Huizhou 广东省 惠州市
(c) The essay stated TCL in 2003 "displaced Sony as the worlds biggest TV
maker when it relieved Thomson, the French conglomerate, of its cathode ray
tube TV business."
Technicolor SA
(formerly Thomson SA; section 1.2 Exiting the consumer business)
(d) The essay referred to a Dragonomics report:
Yuxin He, What TCL’s Foreign Foray Says About China Inc Going Global.
Financial Times,
Nov 3, 2009 (blog).
("TCL was one of the biggest TV companies in the world’s biggest and
fastest-growing TV market, and yet it made a disastrous bet on old-fashioned
cathode-ray televisions just two years before the entire world, including
its own home market, shifted en masse to flat-panel screens.")
(e) I finally learn why TCL has disappeared from the news.
(1) Jason Tan, HTC Corp Posts Record Year-on-Year Growth in Q3. Taipei Times
, Oct 7, 2011 (available now)
(unaudited net profit grew 68 percent)
Note: There is no need to read the report.
(2) Press release: Interbrand Releases the 12th Annual Best Global Brands
Report; Coca-Cola claims the #1 spot; Luxury brands make a comeback;Biggest-
riser Apple enters the Top 10 for the first time. Interbrand, Oct 4, 2011
("HTC (#98) made its first appearance in Interbrand’s Best Global Brands
report this year. HTC, a mobile device company that recently shifted from
B2B to B2C, is focusing on increasing consumer awareness, establishing
partnerships with more established brands and enhancing its digital brand
strategy – all of which make it a brand to watch in the year ahead.")
发帖数: 842
1 (共1页)
弃婴的使用expect 的办法, 我虽然不懂中国粮食腾贵 外界忧心引发通膨
看救灾捐款中国100强明细,更感到支持国货的必要(转)South Korea, the Powerhouse (转载)
zz世界名牌被糟蹋 吉利购沃尔沃成国际笑话国内首部红色网游上线 没有枪战只有宣传战
中共发改委:三家电商正自查整改 厂商退出京东从淘宝是怎么火起来的说起 那些网上创业的苦B们 (转载)
话题: tcl话题: tv话题: year话题: brands话题: its