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ChinaNews版 - 2009,Australian business spy was arrested in Sh
正确的做法就是提高国企数量,加大国企垄断的范围和程度 (转载)歡迎胡考的國宴名單
胡士泰的案子,聊聊? (转载)TG再次输出价值观,英国首相要学TG镇压了 (转载)
外交部证实力拓间谍腐蚀门:引起舆论广泛猜度板鸭这人权法庭太粗心,把被告陈奎元名字都他妈拼错了, (转载)
蒙古人均GDP將在2015年超越中國.紫金矿业秘鲁铜矿遭武装袭击,财产损失尚不清楚 (转载)
认为虐童案只发生在天主教会的新教徒们(838 cases) (转载)Re: Taiwanese算是啥语言? (转载)
Great Leap Forward of China's Science (转载)Ford 明目張胆的辱華, 分裂中國 (转载)
好了, 外国人士这次把open letter给华科李校长和卫生部陈部长了, 好象多了几个人签名An Australian tourist, Michael Smith, captures video of protest riots during a visit to Lhasa, Tibet
方舟子说自己是independent consulting scientist,bullshit!海外同窗曝李克强北大生活内幕
话题: chinese话题: australian话题: rio话题: hu话题: china
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3150
BEIJING — The detention of an Australian Rio Tinto Ltd. employee on spying
charges could damage the business environment for foreign companies wanting
to work in China, an Australian cabinet minister said Sunday.
The comments from Financial Services Minister Chris Bowen came as Rio Tinto
employee Stern Hu began a second week in detention in Shanghai on charges of
stealing state secrets.
“The Chinese government will be very aware that it is not good for business
certainty if there’s a regular pattern of foreign businesspeople being
incarcerated,” Bowen told Network Ten television in Australia on Sunday.
“It should also be a concern for the Chinese government that if foreign
businesses feel that their degree of uncertainty is high, it will change the
way that foreign businesses around the world approach business in China,
and approach the placement of executives in China.”
Bowen spoke a day after Australia’s Trade Minister Simon Crean met with
Chinese officials and said his government was “deeply concerned” about Hu.
Crean was on a trade mission to Shanghai, where four Rio employees including
an Australian citizen Hu were detained July 5. Crean said he met with city
“The Australian government is deeply concerned about the position
surrounding Mr. Hu,” Crean told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio. “We’
re concerned about his welfare, the access of the family to Mr. Hu, the
ability for him to obtain speedy expedition of his case and, of course,
legal representation, and we have been assured that that message will be
conveyed to Beijing.”
The Rio employees were detained as the world’s third-largest mining company
negotiated on behalf of global iron ore producers in price talks with
Chinese steel mills. Hu manages Rio’s Chinese iron ore business. The other
detainees are Chinese.
The Rio employees are accused of bribing Chinese steel company personnel to
obtain summaries of the Chinese negotiators’ meetings and gain an edge in
price talks, according to Chinese news reports. The maximum penalty for an
espionage conviction is life in prison.
Australian diplomats visited Hu on Friday, and Foreign Minister Stephen
Smith said Saturday that he appeared to be well and raised no health or
welfare concerns. Smith said Australia was still asking for details of the
China, the world’s biggest steel producer, has criticized iron ore
suppliers for repeated price hikes and is pressing for reductions. The other
major suppliers are Australia’s BHP Billiton Ltd. and Brazil’s Vale SA.
Information on Chinese steel company ore costs, profit margins and
technology spending all are considered official secrets, according to news
The accusations reflect the communist government’s sensitivity about fields
such as steel and energy that it deems strategic and its intense secrecy
about a wide array of economic and industrial information.
“If you’re foreign, information is power in China, and they tend to think
most of their information is national security information,” said Robert
Broadfoot, managing director of Political and Economic Risk Consultancy in
Hong Kong, who has advised companies on China since the 1970s.
Rio expressed surprise at the spying allegations and said Friday it is “
committed to high standards and business integrity.” It said Chinese
authorities have not given the company any details about the case.
Employees of the China Iron
1 (共1页)
海外同窗曝李克强北大生活内幕认为虐童案只发生在天主教会的新教徒们(838 cases) (转载)
自杀谣言不攻自破Great Leap Forward of China's Science (转载)
招聘 (转载)好了, 外国人士这次把open letter给华科李校长和卫生部陈部长了, 好象多了几个人签名
乘热气球的女人是O8民主党方舟子说自己是independent consulting scientist,bullshit!
正确的做法就是提高国企数量,加大国企垄断的范围和程度 (转载)歡迎胡考的國宴名單
胡士泰的案子,聊聊? (转载)TG再次输出价值观,英国首相要学TG镇压了 (转载)
外交部证实力拓间谍腐蚀门:引起舆论广泛猜度板鸭这人权法庭太粗心,把被告陈奎元名字都他妈拼错了, (转载)
蒙古人均GDP將在2015年超越中國.紫金矿业秘鲁铜矿遭武装袭击,财产损失尚不清楚 (转载)
话题: chinese话题: australian话题: rio话题: hu话题: china