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ChinaNews版 - People from Beijing and Shanghai cannot travel on the same
现在的当务之急是制止汉人针对维族的报复性杀戮 (转载)Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - By Thomas Bell
Goff supports Norman over China clashTell you a story about Shanghai
岳路平表态,不是抄袭,不要利用我去攻击艾未未 (转载)BBC:Beijing angry again
诸位靠餐馆小费过日子的,还是多关心下美国国债吧Ombama's address in Town Hall of Shanghai (转载)
'Oh my God, someone has a gun ...'国内超级女声TMD就这水平?
Doctors mistakenly declared Chicago boy dead.谷歌退出后,百度变得又黄又左,广告铺天盖地 (转载)
92%啊,大陆留学生滞美比例高得吓人 (转载)Beijing: World’s Biggest Parking Lot
Chinese TouristsUS Embassy: Beijing air quality is 'crazy bad' (转载)
话题: beijing话题: shanghai话题: travel话题: people话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1846
But the industry has experienced growing pains. Despite years of meetings in
China and decades of leading motor coach tours across the United States,
the travel agency AmericanTours International learned that Chinese tourists
required a special touch. For one, people from Beijing and Shanghai cannot
travel on the same bus.
“They clashed,” recalled Nick Hentschel, the company’s director of
business development.
Last year, 1,500 Chinese took the company’s “Hollywood to Broadway” bus
tour, a 20-day cross-country journey intended for mainlanders with stops
that included a Las Vegas casino; the bridges of Madison County, Iowa;
Niagara Falls; the White House; and the Empire State Building.
If the sights are crowd-pleasers, the overnight stays can sometimes prove
challenging. “Smoking in hotel rooms is always a problem,” Mr. Hentschel
said, a habit that can cost tourists hundreds of dollars in hotel cleaning
bills. Then there was the episode last summer, he said, when a tour group
caused a scene at a hotel in Cody, Wyo., after mistakenly thinking another
busload of compatriots had been given preference at breakfast. The police
were called to escort them out of town, he said.
1 (共1页)
US Embassy: Beijing air quality is 'crazy bad' (转载)'Oh my God, someone has a gun ...'
美国大使的录像上了美国论坛Doctors mistakenly declared Chicago boy dead.
茅于轼:别买房!20年后大量剩房92%啊,大陆留学生滞美比例高得吓人 (转载)
$40m a floor at Shanghai + Bo XilaiChinese Tourists
现在的当务之急是制止汉人针对维族的报复性杀戮 (转载)Tibetans attacked Chinese, say Lhasa tourists - By Thomas Bell
Goff supports Norman over China clashTell you a story about Shanghai
岳路平表态,不是抄袭,不要利用我去攻击艾未未 (转载)BBC:Beijing angry again
诸位靠餐馆小费过日子的,还是多关心下美国国债吧Ombama's address in Town Hall of Shanghai (转载)
话题: beijing话题: shanghai话题: travel话题: people话题: chinese