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ChinaNews2版 - Why women from some populations are prettier than others,t
Before he started the Cultural Revolution (转载)转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
江青不贪no one can beat her on this point转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
Go send messages to Jimmy Kimmel live sponsors.Asians: Too Smart for Their Own Good? NY Times article
Why women from some populations are prettier than others转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误
亚洲人不 push 体育是有原因的请中宣部几个人就搞定了
question: copy first N rows from table B to table A (DB2)加州的疮粪们,时间到了
无标题Why do you asian guys have no power in this society?
话题: women话题: asian话题: selection话题: prettier
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3978
1. Cultural evolution.
Then reason why you think western women are prettier than Asian ones is
because you grow up in a culture environment with westernized standards of
aesthetics by modern education, hollywood movies and other related de
cultural products, While the body features of Asian women have been shaped
to be desirable to asian men with traditional criteria of aesthetics by sex
selection in the same way as how sex selection works in any other
2. Different mechanism of sex selection.
Because for a long time before industrial evolution, Asian had been with a
much more developed social system than other cultures. During that period of
history, the standard by which male, the dominating gender, chooses female
is more about how wealthy the women's family is, not how beautiful the girl
is. Although this might not be always the case, but it is more often like
this than in other societies in which, people are more primitive and body
features play a more important role the process of sex selection.
1 (共1页)
Why do you asian guys have no power in this society?Why women from some populations are prettier than others
求 paper, 跪谢!亚洲人不 push 体育是有原因的
求 paper, 跪谢!question: copy first N rows from table B to table A (DB2)
[合集] 从历史发展角度说,黑人是不是比白人要聪明呢?无标题
Before he started the Cultural Revolution (转载)转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
江青不贪no one can beat her on this point转载纽约时报:亚裔孩子聪明反被聪明误 (转载)
Go send messages to Jimmy Kimmel live sponsors.Asians: Too Smart for Their Own Good? NY Times article
话题: women话题: asian话题: selection话题: prettier