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ChinaNews2版 - Philip Seymour Hoffman死了
奥巴马太坏了太震惊了 Philip Seymour hoffman OD 死了
nature总编Philip Campbell的EMAILargo还是很不错的
Philip Seymour Hoffman死了建议版标还是换午马吧
Philip Seymour Hoffman 死了Philip Seymour Hoffman居然死了?
推荐“A most wanted man"没有 Philip Seymour Hoffman?
你们看过《Before the Devil Knows You're Dead》吗?Philip Seymour Hoffman
philip hoffman Seymour死了[堪萨斯征文]冷血灭门
昨晚看了部电影很不错奥斯卡影帝菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(Philip SeymourHoffman)去世
话题: hoffman话题: seymour话题: philip话题: he话题: his
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发帖数: 3205
Philip Seymour Hoffman dead of apparent drug overdose
Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been found dead of an
apparent drug overdose in his Manhattan apartment, law enforcement sources
said Sunday.
Hoffman, 46, was found in the bathroom of the fourth-floor apartment, the
sources told CNN.
Photos: People we lost in 2014 Photos: People we lost in 2014
Hoffman won an Academy Award for best actor for the 2005 biopic "Capote."
He also appeared in "Charlie Wilson's War," "Doubt," and "The Master," for
which he was nominated as best supporting actor.
According to a biography of the actor posted on the Turner Classic Movies
website, last year Hoffman revealed he was seeking treatment for drug abuse,
and "seemed to be confident that he was getting a handle on the situation."
Hoffman's father was a salesman and his mother was a family court judge, the
biography says.
He landed his first professional stage role before graduating from high
school and went on to study acting at New York University.
In Hollywood, his big break came with a small role as Chris O'Donnell's
classmate in the 1992 film "Scent of a Woman."
Hoffman appeared last month at the Sundance Film Festival, where a movie he
starred in, "God's Pocket," premiered.
After his Oscar win at the Academy Awards in 2006, Hoffman thanked his
mother for taking him to his first play.
"She brought up four kids alone and she deserves a congratulations for that.
Ah, we're at the party, Ma, you know? And she took me to my first play and
she stayed up with me and watched the NCAA Final Four, and my passions, her
passions became my passions. And, you know, be proud, Mom, because I'm proud
of you and we're here tonight and it's so good," he said in his acceptance
1 (共1页)
奥斯卡影帝菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(Philip SeymourHoffman)去世推荐“A most wanted man"
奥斯卡影帝菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼(Philip SeymourHoffman)去世你们看过《Before the Devil Knows You're Dead》吗?
capote的主演overdose死了philip hoffman Seymour死了
audience opportunity at Good Morning America昨晚看了部电影很不错
奥巴马太坏了太震惊了 Philip Seymour hoffman OD 死了
nature总编Philip Campbell的EMAILargo还是很不错的
Philip Seymour Hoffman死了建议版标还是换午马吧
Philip Seymour Hoffman 死了Philip Seymour Hoffman居然死了?
话题: hoffman话题: seymour话题: philip话题: he话题: his