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Chinese版 - [转载] 1B/1B available(In Fremont)
[转载] 1B/1B available(In Fremont)[转载] ABC学中文笑话多多
[转载] help for ISEAS![转载] Shit Cisco
[转载] help! how to start to transfer to another major?[转载] Re: 笑傲江湖第16集 --bigiezone.com 有!
H-1B/LAID OFF BEFORE/第三国签证-急!!![转载] ********我们为什么应该在美国建立中华亚文化圈?********
looking for a one month sublease in SF this summer[转载] 中华人民共和国疆域---中缅的问题(野人山)
Urgent! ONE BEDROOM in Brighton available starting June 1, 2002[转载] 中华人民共和国疆域---援越白龙尾岛
A 2 bedrooms Apt to Share (NYC)[转载] 重要启事
[转载] 我的中国心[转载] Re: Cybercalling.com hacked by Chinese, faint!!!
话题: 1b话题: fremont话题: available话题: private话题: apartment
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: Decemberose (十三月), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 1B/1B available(In Fremont)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Aug 23 00:46:40 2002) WWW-POST
We have a 1 bedroom +1 bathroom for rent in a 2bedroom2bathroom apartment
because our current roommate will be leaving for transferring school.
We have lived in this apartment since last November and it's really a nice
place to
live! Here are the details:

1. 2Bedroom/2Bathroom----private walk-in closet, two private bedrooms ar
1 (共1页)
[转载] Re: Cybercalling.com hacked by Chinese, faint!!!looking for a one month sublease in SF this summer
[转载] 谁知道今年国内会召开那些物理方面的国际会议?Urgent! ONE BEDROOM in Brighton available starting June 1, 2002
[转载] 没人问过的问题A 2 bedrooms Apt to Share (NYC)
[转载] 有没有四月份从国内到美国亚特兰大的[转载] 我的中国心
[转载] 1B/1B available(In Fremont)[转载] ABC学中文笑话多多
[转载] help for ISEAS![转载] Shit Cisco
[转载] help! how to start to transfer to another major?[转载] Re: 笑傲江湖第16集 --bigiezone.com 有!
H-1B/LAID OFF BEFORE/第三国签证-急!!![转载] ********我们为什么应该在美国建立中华亚文化圈?********
话题: 1b话题: fremont话题: available话题: private话题: apartment