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Chinese版 - renew F-1 visa in Canada or Mexico
F1 visa: Mexico or Canada? (urgent!)从美国经加航回中国
Need help , Mexico visa F-1 renew, ThankLooking for someone in Santa Fe NM
中国护照过境美国到加拿大要否VISA?Any Chinese fellows in Santa Fe, New Mexico?
Question of Canada Transit Visa! Urgent!谁能推荐个比较好的移民网站?
Urgent! How to renew US visa in Japan?Emergency!!! Help with visiting Canada!...
Check for background clearence in US???guys in canada, please!
How to renew passport?What does H1 holder need when travel back from Canada
[转载] Re: 请问:到底有多少准备回国签证的?Help-- phone card from Canada(Not big city) to China!
话题: canada话题: mexico话题: visa话题: he话题: renew
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 131
Need suggestions for a friend:
He has to renew F-1 visa in order to get a third coutry visa.
Still in the same school(major: mechanical) and visa as came to US.
Have been back China almost two years ago.
He is thinking about going to Canada or Mexico to renew the visa. What's the
possibility of getting security check?
If so, is he going to stay in Canada? Or have to go to China? Can he wait back
in US?
Thanks in advance!
1 (共1页)
Help-- phone card from Canada(Not big city) to China!Urgent! How to renew US visa in Japan?
great news!!!Check for background clearence in US???
Help. How to get fingerprints?How to renew passport?
US H-1B visa application at Canada?[转载] Re: 请问:到底有多少准备回国签证的?
F1 visa: Mexico or Canada? (urgent!)从美国经加航回中国
Need help , Mexico visa F-1 renew, ThankLooking for someone in Santa Fe NM
中国护照过境美国到加拿大要否VISA?Any Chinese fellows in Santa Fe, New Mexico?
Question of Canada Transit Visa! Urgent!谁能推荐个比较好的移民网站?
话题: canada话题: mexico话题: visa话题: he话题: renew