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CivilEngineering版 - Preparing PE Exam--Anyone in the NY area?
Examination Verification request for PE exam applicationPE的书
PE EXAM QUESTION - TRANSCRIPT ?Anybody got CA PE exam results?
PE Exam Preparation[合集] Some general thoughts on SE I
FE Exam review manual for saleASD or LRFD in PE exam?
Anyone will take SE exam?寻今年10月在马里兰考PE的朋友??? (转载)
CA PE Cutscore in April 2007 Exam如何参加TEXAS 的Ethics Exam
anyone could help me find those three papers? (转载)PTOE Exam Day Schedule Question
structural PE exam 国内经验算么?FE的CIVIL 部分的参考资料?
话题: pe话题: exam话题: anyone话题: preparing话题: ny
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
Hi everybody
Anyone in New york city? I am preparing for the PE exam. I work in midtown
Manhattan. Maybe we should come out for a drink or something and share the
experience for PE. I am going to take the exam in CT. Leave me message with
your contact info.
1 (共1页)
FE的CIVIL 部分的参考资料?Anyone will take SE exam?
大家找工作的时候有没有碰到被安排written exam 的情况?CA PE Cutscore in April 2007 Exam
明年4月考PE的人都用什么参考书啊??anyone could help me find those three papers? (转载)
请问PE Civil考试多长时间知道成绩?structural PE exam 国内经验算么?
Examination Verification request for PE exam applicationPE的书
PE EXAM QUESTION - TRANSCRIPT ?Anybody got CA PE exam results?
PE Exam Preparation[合集] Some general thoughts on SE I
FE Exam review manual for saleASD or LRFD in PE exam?
话题: pe话题: exam话题: anyone话题: preparing话题: ny