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CivilSociety版 - SVCA对Bob Beckel种族歧视性言论的回应 (转载)
Bob Beckel劣迹斑斑DFWCA(达拉斯华人联盟)谴责Fox电视台主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)
FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论 (转载)7月29日华裔民选官员和民众在圣荷西市府广场举行抗议活动 (转载)
Sample letter to sponsors of Fox News (转载)Bob Beckel辱华事件对策建议 (转载)
The 2nd joint statement to denounce the racial slur from F (转载)Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News (转载)
夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉Bob Beckel "The Five"节目广告商列表和写给这些广告商的信的样 (转载)
州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职 (转载)功能开通:自动产生email给赞助商要求开除Bob Beckel
湾区UBC等5团体谴责福克斯电视主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)Firing Bob Beckel: Joint Statement by Asian Organizations (转载)
The Orang Club关于Fox News辱华事件的声明 (转载)老中文化自信: 天生我才必有用 (转载)
话题: beckel话题: chinese话题: mr话题: americans话题: news
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9926
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: svca (硅谷华人协会), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: SVCA对Bob Beckel种族歧视性言论的回应
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 13 12:33:54 2014, 美东)
July 12th, 2014
San Jose, California
Silicon Valley Chinese Association issues the following statement to
denounce certain racist slur made by Fox News TV host Bob Beckel, and demand
both Mr. Beckel’s immediate resignation and a formal apology by Fox News
to Chinese Americans.
On July 10th, 2014, during his “The Five” TV show, Mr. Beckel used the
word “Chinamen” to refer to Chinese people at large, including Chinese
Americans. The pejorative word “Chinamen” has been long and widely
considered to connote a derogatory and offensive meaning to Chinese people.
Yet, this is the second time in recent memory that Mr. Beckel has been
caught to use such insulting language toward Chinese Americans. Last year,
Mr. Beckel said that after he went swimming, his “eyes blew up, and it made
me look Oriental.”
As America continues to embrace diversity and welcome people from all
cultural backgrounds, we are outraged by such racist offenses repeatedly
made by Mr. Beckel, especially on a major TV network. Mr. Beckel must
immediately resign from the “The Five” show, and Fox News must issue a
formal apology to the Chinese American community.
Alex Chen
President, SVCA
1 (共1页)
老中文化自信: 天生我才必有用 (转载)夏乐柏参议员发表声明要求Bob Beckel道歉
O编辑总结--从鸡毛到BB,对华人维权的一点小观察州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职 (转载)
星期二中午圣荷西市政府门前,反对Bob Beckel 游行!请置顶 (转载)湾区UBC等5团体谴责福克斯电视主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)
jeb bush厌恶亚裔的发言The Orang Club关于Fox News辱华事件的声明 (转载)
Bob Beckel劣迹斑斑DFWCA(达拉斯华人联盟)谴责Fox电视台主持人辱华言论声明 (转载)
FOX主持Bob Beckel发表针对华人的歧视言论 (转载)7月29日华裔民选官员和民众在圣荷西市府广场举行抗议活动 (转载)
Sample letter to sponsors of Fox News (转载)Bob Beckel辱华事件对策建议 (转载)
The 2nd joint statement to denounce the racial slur from F (转载)Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News (转载)
话题: beckel话题: chinese话题: mr话题: americans话题: news