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CivilSociety版 - An Open Thanksgiving Letter to Our Friends
火烧屁股:Pivot To Asia说说房市还没见底的理由吧!
CivilSociety版的起源,目标, 纲领英文的交流和装B
Anti-China Rhetorics in Headlines 5JudieYan serve analysis
USA: Keeper of Peace在水池里一块冰和一块漂浮的木头,如果冰化了,木头是上升还
美网民慌了:中国国际支付系统年底前就可启用(zz)KILL CHINESE WAS A TRUTH!
It Began with a Loaded Question.what is love
Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust在水池里一块冰和一块漂浮的木头,如果冰化了,木头是上升还是下降?
泰坦尼克号上的阶级斗争Re: 认真总结 精心准备 迎接国家"211工程""九五"期间建设验收 (zhuan)
话题: american话题: our话题: chinese话题: do话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
Please help me edit and feel free to send to your local politicians and
friends who supported us this year. I think authentic Chinglish is
actually harder than English.
Dear Friendsi and Countrymen of America,
Firstly, I ask you to pleasi pardon my Chinglishi. My Chinglishi is not
that good, and I just hope my sincerity will ring through the internet,
through the whole stack of cables, cpus and protocols.
Secondly, I ask you to kindly accept my sincerest "tank you" (or is it "tank
yous"). Since this past October, when Disney decided and insisted that "
killing all Chinese" to solve the US government shutdown problem is a funny
joke, you have spoken out against their flippant disregard to human dignity,
even amid the silence of most mainstream media.
Looking back, this "joke" was a perfect test of our American character. Are
we hypocrites? Do we respect human dignity? Do we take responsibility for
our lives or just blame it on China? Do we laugh at the killing of our own
grandmas because we owe them $1000? Do we corrupt our own children with
hatred and blame-China-for-everything-wrong rhetoric? How much credibility
do we have left after nonexistant WMD in Iraq? How could I convince my
Chinese friends that Americans are peaceful and trustworthy people? Could I
even convince myself?
You have all passed the Disney's little test. You have gutsi and wisdome.
You cried foul when Disney insisted that you should laugh and be a part of
"American" culture. Blaming-China-For-Everything is not American
culture. Laughing-at-Genocide is not American culture. We hope it's not
part of any culture, but certainly not American.
Thirdly, by speaking with integrity and courage, you won my trusti. To the
congressmen and politicians who stood with us: you
should have the vote of every Chinglishi speaker as well. Because we are
Chinese-Americans and we are proud of being Chinese and proud to being
American. We are proud of you!
PS. Chinglish is hard. Please help me fix my grammar! Tank you vely muchi!
发帖数: 1367
Not good Chinglish. Beat back write again!
发帖数: 18403
Beg big cattle helpe my Chinglish!
1 (共1页)
Re: 认真总结 精心准备 迎接国家"211工程""九五"期间建设验收 (zhuan)美网民慌了:中国国际支付系统年底前就可启用(zz)
抗议!It Began with a Loaded Question.
请教一个法律问题Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust
关于老中今年只有7000 H1B 的一点感想 (转载)泰坦尼克号上的阶级斗争
火烧屁股:Pivot To Asia说说房市还没见底的理由吧!
CivilSociety版的起源,目标, 纲领英文的交流和装B
Anti-China Rhetorics in Headlines 5JudieYan serve analysis
USA: Keeper of Peace在水池里一块冰和一块漂浮的木头,如果冰化了,木头是上升还
话题: american话题: our话题: chinese话题: do话题: my