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CivilSociety版 - 不学“Go” 学“weiqi" (转载)
China-Japan: Feud of 50 years全世界围棋会
所罗门之见: 钓鱼岛纠纷 (转载)中印外交官受辱事件比较出 东风41就是根烧火棍
请求帮忙发白宫请愿日本这个民族纪律性真强,难怪中国不是对手 (转载)
Anti-China Bias in Headlines 6国际游戏抹黑中国扭曲事实误导青少年zz
How the Chinese Exclusion Act Lost China in 1949US Pivot to Asia
争取美国媒体的步骤Chinese American Psyche 1931-2014
国会议员的倾向美国的中国抗战纪念活动应突出中美友谊 (转载)
Japan-China-US Duelling ViewpointsJapanese to Koreans: Go home or die
话题: my话题: say话题: kids话题: japan话题: would
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 不学“Go” 学“weiqi"
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 30 12:39:56 2013, 美东)
Here's a short answer why I could not let my children to learn "Go"
If my kids ask: "why was weiqi invented in China, but these terminology are
in Japanese?"
I'd have to say "well Japan and China were friends for a long long long time
, Japanese could quote poetry better than me and play weiqi better than me"
My kids would say: " why are you so bad at every thing?"
I'd have to say: "we kept getting axe-murderers trying to rob us, enslave us
and kill us for 1000 years... We had no time for these more refined
pursuits, kiddos"
My kids would say: "I like Japanese then..."
I'd have to say: "hold on... Kiddo.... Actually we Chinese and Japanese had
a fall out... so we are hardly talking to each other any more..."
My kids would say: "What? that beautiful lady from Japan? so courteous and
so sweet and looks just like mom!"
I'd have to say: "well kiddo, the beautiful lady from japan attacked us and
defeated us in 1895 and made us pay 2x our GDP for war reparations and
took Formosa including Diaoyudao from us..."
My kids would say: "But that was 100 years ago man! you still remember that
I'd have to say: "well kiddo, it didn't stop there. Then the beautiful
lady of Japan sent us 1000 ninja assassins to assassinate our leaders, 1000
diplomats to instigate revolution in Russia/China/Korea, then took
Manchuria from us..."
My kids would say: "wow that's too bad... but it's like 90 years ago!"
I'd have to say: "we thought so at the time too. so we were busy picking
up pieces and rebuilding. Shanghai and Yangtz delta in the early 1930s
were quite an economical powerhouse..."
My kids would say: "great, the story is finally getting better..."
I'd have to say: "Actually, not so fast. The thing is, the nice Japanese
lady felt threatened by the Chinese rebuilding"
My kids would say: "why? they got a lot from China!"
I'd have to say: "You see, they are scared that China being strong will make
them give back their ill-gotten gains..."
My kids would say: "hmmm, so that's why you always
say don't take things that don't belong to you?"
I'd have to say: " Exactly kiddo. But the beautiful
lady Japan doesn't think that way. So instead of giving
back their ill-gotten gains, they invaded almost the
entire China..."
Now it's my turn to tear up, remembering the 20
million dead bodies and raped women, bayoneted
babies, tortured POWs. And wondering
how the hell am I going to explain all this to my kids...
My kids would then say: "but that was 70+ years ago?
surely we made up since then!"
Then I will have explain that to this day, the
government of Japan continues to play a game of
"deny-apologize-deny-apologize" with impunity,
claiming self-defense for all murders, rapes, sneak-attacks.
My kids would then say: "horrible... but it's the
government of japan not the nice people..."
I'd say: "good distinction... But the people elected
these politicians twice and supported their activities
mostly. and the people are scared of kids like you."
My kids would say: "why? "
I'd say: "apparently because you are good at math..."
My kids would say: "WHAT!!!!"
I'd say: "Nobody could understand it. Maybe
they are afraid of the Chinese may be bent on
revenge? So a little survival tips for you kiddo:
please don't play or WIN a weiqi game
with the polite smiley Japanese. They might give
you a poisoned Fuji apple..."
That... IS WHY I could not let my Chinese kids to learn
japanese terminologies of the ancient Chinese game Weiqi.
No people could get through that without deep PTSD,
without deep suspicion of basic human goodness.
I do not want my kids to learn a Chinese game yet
be exposed to this kind of pain.
发帖数: 4670
发帖数: 22099

【在 k****m 的大作中提到】
: 你真是。。。。。。
发帖数: 18403
发帖数: 22099

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 我够能扯吧。。。
发帖数: 18403
那还用装的? 你警惕性太高,该检讨自己了。。。
发帖数: 22099

【在 o**********e 的大作中提到】
: 那还用装的? 你警惕性太高,该检讨自己了。。。
发帖数: 18403
我的水准被你看穿, 真难堪啊
1 (共1页)
Japanese to Koreans: Go home or dieHow the Chinese Exclusion Act Lost China in 1949
Anti-China bias in Headlines 8争取美国媒体的步骤
中国小朋友threaten日本Japan-China-US Duelling Viewpoints
China-Japan: Feud of 50 years全世界围棋会
所罗门之见: 钓鱼岛纠纷 (转载)中印外交官受辱事件比较出 东风41就是根烧火棍
请求帮忙发白宫请愿日本这个民族纪律性真强,难怪中国不是对手 (转载)
Anti-China Bias in Headlines 6国际游戏抹黑中国扭曲事实误导青少年zz
话题: my话题: say话题: kids话题: japan话题: would