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Classified版 - Senior CAD Engineer position, also have NCG position
亚特兰大Atlanta emory 附近 summer sublease出售: WestJet Travel Bank 1,087.62 CAD for Sale @0.9
招人,NCG 也欢迎,本人就是Hiring Manager招 建筑设计 internship
NCG刚到Cary 工作,寻求室友一起在Cary租房求内推 机械+ 材料工程
湾区 Pre-IPO 小公司招人(支持H1B,绿卡)senior mechanical design engineer position
在洛杉矶的学生求FREELANCE 或者part-time full internship 机会senior mechanical design engineer position
加拿大国家公园年票(until 2011年六月)BME小硕求实习,求工作,求phd position
【出售】Amazon Gift Cad $500 @0.97BME小硕求工作,求实习,求phd position
105 CAD Amazon.ca gift certificate for US$92出售 USA CPA 考试资料
话题: cad话题: engineer话题: senior话题: position话题: layout
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 55
Senior CAD Engineer
In this position, the individual will be responsible for developing/
supporting physical verification rule decks (LVS/DRC/ERC) for the layout
group, completing placement and routing flow/methodology development,
developing/supporting/calibrating parasitic extraction flow for design
groups, developing the CAD flow for memory design as per the layout and
designing requirements and improving overall productivity for layout group
through various scripts and SKILL programming. The
1 (共1页)
出售 USA CPA 考试资料在洛杉矶的学生求FREELANCE 或者part-time full internship 机会
[提供内推] EDA product/application engineer加拿大国家公园年票(until 2011年六月)
招聘 C++ Senior/Junior Software Engineer【出售】Amazon Gift Cad $500 @0.97
求职: 机械工程研究生105 CAD Amazon.ca gift certificate for US$92
亚特兰大Atlanta emory 附近 summer sublease出售: WestJet Travel Bank 1,087.62 CAD for Sale @0.9
招人,NCG 也欢迎,本人就是Hiring Manager招 建筑设计 internship
NCG刚到Cary 工作,寻求室友一起在Cary租房求内推 机械+ 材料工程
湾区 Pre-IPO 小公司招人(支持H1B,绿卡)senior mechanical design engineer position
话题: cad话题: engineer话题: senior话题: position话题: layout