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话题: swiss话题: arnoux话题: 钟表
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发帖数: 1825
12月在瑞士海关没收宇舶宝“Big Bang”法拉利腕表,就完全能与正版鱼目混珠。无论
尔·阿诺(Michel Arnoux)说。
Nick Hayek)说,“最大的问题是,这些假冒产品越来越专业化。如果消费者不再在意
For the first time, fake Swiss watches of real technical sophistication are
coming out of China. Sometimes sold at the same price as the originals, they
result in lost earnings and harm the brand image of Swiss watchmaking.
If you look at it very, very closely, you can detect a few irregularities: a
screw slot with a microscopic fault in it, a piece of the carbon casing
replaced by plastic, or the absence of anti-glare glass.
But apart from these details, which even experts have trouble detecting at a
glance, the fake Hublot Big Bang seized last December by Swiss customs is
hard to tell apart from the original.
The look, the weight, even the smell - because like its model, the fake’s
wristband was scented with vanilla - are deceptive. But the most telling
factor resides in the core of the watch.
“That was one of the first times I’ve held in my hand a fake tourbillon
watch, a real high-precision mechanism. The counterfeiters have now mastered
ultra-complex movements,” says Michel Arnoux, head of the anti-
counterfeiting unit of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, at his
office in Biel.
At the foot of the Jura, in this industrial city of 50,000 inhabitants where
Swatch Group, the world’s largest watchmaking concern, has its
headquarters, the investigators study - and worry about - the evolution of
the Chinese counterfeit market, which is now hitting the high-precision
watchmaking sector hard.
Money from online betting
In contrast to the Rolex sold for less than SFr100 ($104) on Asian and South
American markets, these fake watches sold at several thousand francs apiece
often to unwitting consumers - considerable forgone earnings for the brands
Industry executives willing to go on the record about this highly touchy
subject do not make light of their concerns.
“Counterfeiting costs the watchmaking industry billions each year,” Nick
Hayek, head of Swatch Group, recently told the 20 Minuten newspaper. “The
worst thing about it is that these copies are being made more and more
The counterfeiters’ interest is certainly aroused by the current boom in
luxury watches, but not only that.
“Following the crisis in the watch industry in 2008-2009, Chinese makers of
highly complicated movements had to drop their prices to get rid of their
stocks,” explains Michel Arnoux. “At the same time, the Chinese triads
were looking for new outlets to invest the colossal sums they garnered from
online sports betting.”
Second-hand products
While a direct link between organised crime and counterfeit watchmaking is
hard to establish, it is clear to Swiss investigators that the two are
“The counterfeiters are well organised and sometimes know the market better
than the brand-name firms. They choose watches which sell best in the
countries concerned, and quickly adjust to demand,” says Arnaux.
To distribute their products, the counterfeiters now mainly use internet buy
-and-sell platforms like e-Bay. “When the crisis hit, many financial
traders in New York or London sold off their watches on the Internet. The
counterfeiters were able to jump into the breach, pretending that they were
selling goods second-hand,” adds Arnoux.
Loss of trust
While no one admits it openly, there are whispers in Swiss watchmaking
circles that the “inflated” prices of some brands and the policy of
restrictive supply may have encouraged counterfeiting.
Also, by drastically reducing their sales network on the traditional markets
, the Swiss brands have forced hundreds of jewellers to source supplies at
second-hand. “This parallel market, which is perfectly legal in the EU and
the USA, has been a real magnet for the counterfeiters,” Arnoux notes.
The charismatic CEO of Hublot, Jean-Claude Biver, has talked several times
in recent years about the pride he felt when his watches were copied for the
first time, proving the international status acquired by his brand. But now
such talk is rarely heard.
For the harm done goes beyond just direct economic losses, as Arnoux points
out: “If the consumer can no longer tell the difference between the real
watch and a fake, he loses trust. This is a considerable blow to the brand
image of Swiss watchmaking.”
Taking action on the ground
To curb the counterfeit phenomenon, the industry federation now has a team
of 40 to 50 Chinese inspectors in the field. “Our strategy involves
mounting a lot of operations so as to keep those producers under constant
pressure.” These joint operations with the police are a daily occurrence in
the province of Guangdong, which is the epicentre of counterfeit
The results can be “pretty slight”, admits Arnoux. “Everything is spread
out - there is no official economic link between the different players.
Sometimes the components have been manufactured in a completely legal way by
bona fide companies, then assembled and engraved in secret workshops.”
While smaller fry regularly get caught in the net, as in an operation in
March that yielded a haul of 280,000 prefinished items in a secret workshop,
it is much more difficult to find the trail leading to the brains behind
the organisation. Involved in all kinds of other criminal activities, they
may in fact enjoy the protection of the authorities.
Swiss watchmakers are hoping that their concerns will be passed on by
Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann when he goes to China on a trade
mission from July 8 to 15.
“Matters of intellectual property are right at the top of the memorandum we
addressed to Mr Schneider-Ammann,” says Arnoux.
Samuel Jaberg, swissinfo.ch
(Translated from French by Terence MacNamee)
发帖数: 1436

【在 r**m 的大作中提到】
: 【环球网报道记者李亮】瑞士制表业以其顶级技艺在全球称雄近百年,但近些年却受到
: 了来自中国的“威胁”。瑞士资讯网7月5日报道,近日,瑞士钟表联盟首次获取了一批
: 工艺极其精巧繁复的从中国向瑞士走私的盗版手表,并为其以假乱真的技艺到吃惊。报
: 道称,这些与真品售价相近的假表为瑞士钟表业带来巨大经济损失,也损坏了瑞士钟表
: 的市场形象。
: 报道称,只有靠得非常非常近,甚至是用显微镜,才能发现这些假表存在的破绽,
: 比如表背有一条螺丝缝,或者表壳上的碳原料被换成塑料材料,或者表盘的玻璃上无偏
: 光功能等。但除了这些微小细节,就连钟表专家都很难一眼看出它们是假的。一支去年
: 12月在瑞士海关没收宇舶宝“Big Bang”法拉利腕表,就完全能与正版鱼目混珠。无论
: 是外观、重量、甚至味道——真表带有香草味——都出奇的相似,而最夸张的是表的核

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话题: swiss话题: arnoux话题: 钟表