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Colorado版 - NOV 4 will be a watershed point in US history?!
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1800刀 Match 125K BonusPostdoctoral Researcher in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K BonusMD建国两百年的时间里,有没有用过布票,肉票。
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K BonusWhat Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicals
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K Bonus从犯罪心理学看某些人买车心态---合理化
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NOV 4 will be a watershed point in US history?!AAPL is a shrinking STOCK
If you look at what is going on right now because of the tQuestions for shrinked wool sweater
话题: nov话题: us话题: watershed话题: more话题: history
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11530
发信人: WLion (WoundedLion), 信区: WorldNews
标 题: NOV 4 will be a watershed point in US history?!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 30 17:03:18 2008)
I expect to see:
1. More rational taxation system.
2. More rational distribution in gov spendings.
3. Stronger regulatory functions for the financial industry.
4. Health care system will be reformed for the better or for the worst.
5. Cuts in defense and wars spending.
6. Federal deficit starts shrinking by 2010.
7. Job loss trend will be reversed by 2nd half of
1 (共1页)
Questions for shrinked wool sweaterAmex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K Bonus
不惑NOV 4 will be a watershed point in US history?!
[转载] Rationalization and DisenchantmentIf you look at what is going on right now because of the t
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1800刀 Match 125K BonusPostdoctoral Researcher in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K BonusMD建国两百年的时间里,有没有用过布票,肉票。
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K BonusWhat Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicals
Amex Gold Premier信用卡送1000刀 Match 75K Bonus从犯罪心理学看某些人买车心态---合理化
话题: nov话题: us话题: watershed话题: more话题: history