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Complain版 - [合集] 投诉:Medical Board, BF, herby, 无故删除帖子
[合集] 投诉:我爱宝宝版主catdoudou无故删除帖子[合集] 【投诉】fashion版版主Paladino 无故封我id
投诉国际新闻版无故删贴。[合集] 投诉TrustinJesus版务无故删贴,威胁发帖人
C0805016 [投诉]新加坡版主tongice私自搞小圈子,删除我的帖[合集] [投诉]基版Dignity 版主无故封人
[合集] 投诉TrustinJesus版副jym2307随意删贴、无故封人[合集] [投诉]wisdom版主Seeu 随意删贴和无故封人
[投诉]pda版版主zher无故封人[投诉] Acer 投诉living版版主无理由封人与无故合集帖子
【投诉】探版版主didadida无故删帖,一言堂[合集] [投诉] wisdom版主Seeu 随意删除讨论贴,压制言论,版务对人不对
[合集] Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good re[合集] [投诉]Medical practice 版主 AplusplusPA/GA并渎职
[合集] [投诉]基督信仰版版主jym2307无故封人C0806009 Complain About Military Board
话题: herby话题: board话题: bf
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18160
gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 18:44:23 2011, 美东) 提到:
寄信人: deliver
标 题: gomatch12被取消在MedicalCareer版的发文权限
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 24 18:14:59 2011)
来 源: 68.11.
由于您在 MedicalCareer 版 干扰版面秩序,我很遗憾地通知您,
您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
Thu Mar 24 18:14:59 2011
herby (迎春) 于 (Thu Mar 24 18:58:46 2011, 美东) 提到:
gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 19:04:08 2011, 美东) 提到:
Yes, I told BZ Skyscorpio to put a leash on her.
What I contributed to the board is beneficial to many people. She is wrong
in deleting my posts just because she does not agree with what I said.
What she deleted and banned me for did NOT contain any nasty languages, and
personal attacks, and is very beneficial to the board.
On the other hand, she does NOT ban Dok who used very nasty, abusive wording
and outright personal attacks just because she likes him. I have proof for

gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 19:05:00 2011, 美东) 提到:
I have protested Dok writing personal attacking posts on me and Herby banned
me for it.
I have proof for it.
gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 19:11:07 2011, 美东) 提到:
The benefits to the Chinese as a whole trumps the interests of a few. I
have shared my experience for a lot of newcomers into the health care
business. Just because Herby does not agree with me, it does not give her
any rights to ban me for it.
gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 19:14:52 2011, 美东) 提到:
I have proof of tons of private letters that laud for what I have
contributed to the forum.
Herby has violated the No.1 rule of BBS: Freedom of speech which is the
biggest draw of BBS.
I have never used abusive language. On the contrary, USMEDEDU does it every
day in our forum. Many people are fed up with him. Yet, Herby does
gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 19:28:34 2011, 美东) 提到:
If you could dig out what Herby deleted, you be the judge. She does not
fit as a BZ. Remove her from office,please.
发帖数: 18160

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
: gomatch12 (DAVE) 于 (Thu Mar 24 18:44:23 2011, 美东) 提到:
: 寄信人: deliver
: 标 题: gomatch12被取消在MedicalCareer版的发文权限
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 24 18:14:59 2011)
: 来 源: 68.11.
: 由于您在 MedicalCareer 版 干扰版面秩序,我很遗憾地通知您,
: 您被暂时取消在该版的发文权力 14 天。
: 此信申请恢复权限。
: 版主:herby

1 (共1页)
C0806009 Complain About Military Board[投诉]pda版版主zher无故封人
投诉PKU版主not, 版副ghoul无故封杀本id 70天[合集] Medical Board BZ, skyscorpio deleted my post for no good re
投诉chinastock版主TPP滥用职权无故封禁正当用户[合集] [投诉]基督信仰版版主jym2307无故封人
[合集] 投诉:我爱宝宝版主catdoudou无故删除帖子[合集] 【投诉】fashion版版主Paladino 无故封我id
投诉国际新闻版无故删贴。[合集] 投诉TrustinJesus版务无故删贴,威胁发帖人
C0805016 [投诉]新加坡版主tongice私自搞小圈子,删除我的帖[合集] [投诉]基版Dignity 版主无故封人
[合集] 投诉TrustinJesus版副jym2307随意删贴、无故封人[合集] [投诉]wisdom版主Seeu 随意删贴和无故封人
话题: herby话题: board话题: bf