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Computation版 - my experience,Re: 我也及问一个问题
发现一个有趣的事情,关于fortran IMSL library谁最近买国FORTRAN的COMPILER,FOR WINDOWS,请介绍一下。
谁给说说fortran的几个标准benchmark of ifc and g77
有人用过Matlab的Compiler吗?或者是否有什么工具能把Matlab程序转成C, C++?Re: a question about fortran
where to down a standard Fortran90 complier?为什么两台机器的计算结果不一样?
[转载] unix下编译fortran 的错误太多,看不到怎么办?icc complier is expensive yar~~
visual fortran区别6位以上的变量名吗?有没有free的Fortran Compiler阿?
Re: f90 and mpifortran还是matlab?
话题: my话题: experience话题: different话题: results话题: compilers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 85
My experience is, even if you compile and run it using different compilers and
in different UNIX systems, you could get very different results after some
iterations. It's hard to say which one is better, because compilers might has
different explain of your source code. So, I think the most reliable results
come from the compiler and system in which you write your code, because,
generally, you will test it step by step to see if it creat reasonble results.
BTW, my experience based on FORTRAN, C+
发帖数: 117
i don't agree anymore. for standard coding, it should be fine for
any system.

【在 t**********g 的大作中提到】
: My experience is, even if you compile and run it using different compilers and
: in different UNIX systems, you could get very different results after some
: iterations. It's hard to say which one is better, because compilers might has
: different explain of your source code. So, I think the most reliable results
: come from the compiler and system in which you write your code, because,
: generally, you will test it step by step to see if it creat reasonble results.
: BTW, my experience based on FORTRAN, C+

1 (共1页)
fortran还是matlab?where to down a standard Fortran90 complier?
大家去看看G95吧[转载] unix下编译fortran 的错误太多,看不到怎么办?
Re: matlab和fortran计算结果不一样该相信谁visual fortran区别6位以上的变量名吗?
WINDOWS下编译FORTRANRe: f90 and mpi
发现一个有趣的事情,关于fortran IMSL library谁最近买国FORTRAN的COMPILER,FOR WINDOWS,请介绍一下。
谁给说说fortran的几个标准benchmark of ifc and g77
有人用过Matlab的Compiler吗?或者是否有什么工具能把Matlab程序转成C, C++?Re: a question about fortran
话题: my话题: experience话题: different话题: results话题: compilers