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Computation版 - 庆祝computation升级,感谢bestbuy的努力!
请教有关Theory of ComputationRe: 庆祝computation升级,感谢bestbuy的努力!
[转贴]准备一次性接受一批俱乐部升级为公共版Parallel computing in Matlab
[转载] [通知]FEA已经成为公共版又一个菜鸟问题
庆祝Computation&FEA合为公共版Should change "computation" to "matlab computation"
Two PhD positions are available immediately – computation and simulation of fuel cellsShould I use C or matlab?
computational learning theory对于图像识别有用吗?谁能推荐有关算法(computation algorithm)的书籍?
Phd in Computational Sci & Eng. 这个学位就业前选什么系比较合适?
Graduate Students Are WelcomedWhere to buy computer for numerical computation?
话题: board话题: fea话题: 努力话题: bestbuy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 90
发帖数: 163
This board is the merge of FEA and computation clubs. We hope
this is a better opportunity for people to bring much more interesting
topics with respect to scientific computing in general as well as
focusing on various specific areas by personal interests.
As an open forum, this board welcomes any self-motivated input and
effort to benefit the general public:
1. Academic discussion and communication to understand
the essence of computational theories and methods;
2. Exchange of technical idea

【在 g***i 的大作中提到】
: 终于让本版多年的心愿实现~~~~
: 大家一起多努力

发帖数: 90
I believe we need more advertisement. Many people
don't know this board. We can post a notice in
"mathematics" board;)

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: This board is the merge of FEA and computation clubs. We hope
: this is a better opportunity for people to bring much more interesting
: topics with respect to scientific computing in general as well as
: focusing on various specific areas by personal interests.
: As an open forum, this board welcomes any self-motivated input and
: effort to benefit the general public:
: 1. Academic discussion and communication to understand
: the essence of computational theories and methods;
: 2. Exchange of technical idea

发帖数: 75

【在 g***i 的大作中提到】
: I believe we need more advertisement. Many people
: don't know this board. We can post a notice in
: "mathematics" board;)

发帖数: 90
also math board just now;)

【在 b*d 的大作中提到】
: 转到thoughts版了
发帖数: 126

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: This board is the merge of FEA and computation clubs. We hope
: this is a better opportunity for people to bring much more interesting
: topics with respect to scientific computing in general as well as
: focusing on various specific areas by personal interests.
: As an open forum, this board welcomes any self-motivated input and
: effort to benefit the general public:
: 1. Academic discussion and communication to understand
: the essence of computational theories and methods;
: 2. Exchange of technical idea

发帖数: 8
haha, cool! the first fire?
I agree with your suggestions (ft, only one word of FEA. sigh, three
representations no longer popular, hiahia).
hehe, let's work together to build a thriving board.

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: This board is the merge of FEA and computation clubs. We hope
: this is a better opportunity for people to bring much more interesting
: topics with respect to scientific computing in general as well as
: focusing on various specific areas by personal interests.
: As an open forum, this board welcomes any self-motivated input and
: effort to benefit the general public:
: 1. Academic discussion and communication to understand
: the essence of computational theories and methods;
: 2. Exchange of technical idea

1 (共1页)
Where to buy computer for numerical computation?Two PhD positions are available immediately – computation and simulation of fuel cells
请问chicago附近有好的scientific computation program吗?computational learning theory对于图像识别有用吗?
有人知道MS in Scientific Computing好吗?Phd in Computational Sci & Eng. 这个学位就业前
目前项目主要找Human-Robot Interaction(HRI),Affective Computing,Computer Vision,NPL的 技术方向。Graduate Students Are Welcomed
请教有关Theory of ComputationRe: 庆祝computation升级,感谢bestbuy的努力!
[转贴]准备一次性接受一批俱乐部升级为公共版Parallel computing in Matlab
[转载] [通知]FEA已经成为公共版又一个菜鸟问题
庆祝Computation&FEA合为公共版Should change "computation" to "matlab computation"
话题: board话题: fea话题: 努力话题: bestbuy