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Connecticut版 - 美东三州侨界学界联合新年庆祝晚会及大型舞会
《母亲节及毕业典礼音乐会》义务演出美国国际武术公开赛 2013/10/06 (转载)
Spring Festival Gala at Yale, 7pm, Feb 5th, Sat @ Woolsey Hall本月末-下月初Orange Town Carnival
有人去Big E吗?还有康州的各个fair周六(10.18)Milford南瓜发射比赛
CCC 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Gala Show this Satur[春节活动] Cultures of China, Festival of Spring - Spring Festival Gala 2015
本周六下午,康州华社春节晚会九月的果园,什么最好吃? (转载)
【滑雪】开贴收集ski/snowboard雪场信息Joey Yung
灌水贴,滑雪了本周六/日去 flushing with carpool(10/18 or 10/25)
请问康州附近有滑雪的地方吗?Volunteers Needed for 08/08/09 BBQ
话题: 晚会话题: 舞会话题: vip话题: 中式话题: show
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 282
Dear Honored Guests,
Bidding farewell to the tumultuous dragon year, we embrace fully our next
zodiac fortune of the snake which is considered a small dragon according to
the ancient fable but is of no lesser statue.
Ushering in the Year of the Snake, and with festive holiday wishes and
blessings, the North American Artists Society once again brings together the
most energetic teams from around the Tri-State and the Greater NYC
metropolitan neighborhoods to celebrate this special occasion with you.
As an honored guest, you will enjoy a rich 20-course dinner including
lobster rice and abalone soup topped off with sweet and sticky NianGao as
dessert. Meeting new friends and reconnecting with previous ones, you will
then be treated to an evening of wonderful music and dance showcasing some
of the most gifted stars from institutions such as the Juilliard and Harvard
, featuring Eastern and Western classics as well as traditional folk
instruments sounding off in distinctive styles, sexy Middle Eastern and
colorful peacock dances to be on full displays, rock bands and inspiring
choirs will help to end the Gala on highest notes … You will also have
several chances to win prizes and raffles. And be sure to bring enough
business cards with you to exchange with colleagues from your own field, and
to build bridges with potential partners from various professions and
So the Lunar New Year Ball had just begun, you will then have the
opportunity to learn hand-in-hand with professional instructors the hottest
moves in town, or better known as - Gangnam Style Chachacha … Of course
moderate amount of champagne and wine will readily be served free of charge.
Hurry, dress yourself up like a princess or prince royally and have your
high-tech mobile phones fully charged, and simply come join us for an
unforgettable evening of delicious food and drink, the prime location to
meet the emerging talents and prospective business partners of tomorrow, and
the opportunity to dance side-by-side with some of the most beautiful
people in the spirit of our extravagant celebrations and business exchange …
Dress Code: No slippers, sneakers, tanktops, jeans or pullovers please!
购票站 (Online E-Ticket Purchase):
(座位有限,请提前购买 limited seatings only, please reserve ASAP)
For groups of 6 guests buying together, 10% is AUTOMATICALLY applied to your
purchase, you do NOT need to enter the internet code of 20130127. If you
purchase tickets on-site the day of the performance, there will be
additional charge due to last-minute administrative overheads incurred.
FYI: In addition to having front-row seats, VIP guests also have tables with
snacks throughout the entire Gala, but those seats are very limited, so
purchase early.
FYI -> Raffle First Prize Winner will receive a Total Package which is
valued at around $1,500 from the Forever Wedding Studio.
询问 (Inquiry): T************[email protected]
时间 (Date and Time): Jan 27th, 6:00pm
地点 (Venue):
The Home of the famous Orchestra of St. Luke’s,
The DiMenna Center, 450 West 37th Street, New York, NY 10018
VIP前排座晚会舞会: $60
Show & Dinner: $25
Party & Drink: $25
Combined Show&Party: $38
VIP: (Front-row Seats + Tables with Snacks) $60
发帖数: 21907
NY太远了 回头有视频么

【在 c******3 的大作中提到】
: 各位亲爱的朋友们:
: 蛇,俗称小龙。在古代有白娘子和许仙的美丽传说。在今天,蛇年来临之际,我们将为
: 您带来一场精彩纷呈的晚会,二十道丰盛的中式晚餐,还有热情四射的联欢舞会。
: 当晚您将有充分的机会与其他与会人员进行互动,不但可以联络老朋友,认识新朋友,
: 还可以让在茫茫人海中寻觅缘分的您有机会结交更多异性,商业人士可以寻觅商机,洽
: 谈业务,建立商业桥梁。晚会当中还会穿插幸运抽奖活动,让您绝不空手而归。仍旧意
: 犹未尽?晚会之后还安排了舞会,让您可以舞池中一展风采。专业舞蹈老师将现场免费
: 教舞。让您抱着平安,拥着健康,揣着幸福,携着快乐,搂着温馨,带着甜蜜,牵着财
: 运,拽着吉祥,迈入新的一年。
: 女士们,请展示出你们最漂亮的晚服中式礼服或俱乐部时装!

1 (共1页)
Volunteers Needed for 08/08/09 BBQ本周六下午,康州华社春节晚会
New Haven Open李娜【滑雪】开贴收集ski/snowboard雪场信息
[出售】 Amtrak 火车票 (转载)灌水贴,滑雪了
本周日(2月17日)网友聚会: 耶鲁新春晚会暨迎奥运中国文化节请问康州附近有滑雪的地方吗?
《母亲节及毕业典礼音乐会》义务演出美国国际武术公开赛 2013/10/06 (转载)
Spring Festival Gala at Yale, 7pm, Feb 5th, Sat @ Woolsey Hall本月末-下月初Orange Town Carnival
有人去Big E吗?还有康州的各个fair周六(10.18)Milford南瓜发射比赛
CCC 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Gala Show this Satur[春节活动] Cultures of China, Festival of Spring - Spring Festival Gala 2015
话题: 晚会话题: 舞会话题: vip话题: 中式话题: show