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Cycling版 - Road bike ride report
first real bike ride[合集] 能不能推荐一个road bike for workout?
another 50 miles bike training this morning今天65个小山麦,70多度
菜鸟问: 这个road bike怎么样?来个ride report,兼纪念crash一周年。
求教Good Luck to Sierra2 "Death Ride" Tour de California Alps
入门级的ROAD BIKEpedal 问题
求大牛推荐road bike,主要是commuting,周末锻炼请问3ks giving 有没有road bike
[合集] 问几个road bike的问题Some rides I've done this past month
[合集] Please stop promoting road cycling as an expensive sport请推荐一两500岛一下的road bike吧
话题: bike话题: road话题: 20mph话题: little话题: ride
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4931
Cambridge to Salem round trip via Route 16, 1A, 41.23 miles, 2:06:25,
recorded with Garmin 305, autopause at 9mph. Averaging 19.57mph, probably
would have made 20mph if it weren't for the traffic stops. First half going
strong, averaged slightly above 20mph. Second half got a little tired, the
wind and going up and down bridges got to me in the end, also a little more
traffic. It was not fun riding through the town center of Lynn. I feel that
my bike is a bit beat up. On the overall it was a nic
发帖数: 1498
any bricks yet?
发帖数: 4931
No. My only strategy so far is to tough it out.:) I tried open water
swimming today, in my wetsuit. It was fun. The weird thing is that it takes
a few seconds for me to get my balance together in order to walk when I get
out of the water.

【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: any bricks yet?
发帖数: 12977
for me, I always feel that my feet are tender and soft after swimming, not
really a good ideal to start running, tried once


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: No. My only strategy so far is to tough it out.:) I tried open water
: swimming today, in my wetsuit. It was fun. The weird thing is that it takes
: a few seconds for me to get my balance together in order to walk when I get
: out of the water.

发帖数: 4931
Fortunately what comes after swimming is biking not running. But it is
probably a little worse trying to run after a 3-hour bike ride.:)


【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: for me, I always feel that my feet are tender and soft after swimming, not
: really a good ideal to start running, tried once
: takes
: get

1 (共1页)
请推荐一两500岛一下的road bike吧入门级的ROAD BIKE
请推荐一个女式车求大牛推荐road bike,主要是commuting,周末锻炼
怎么得知一条路有没有bike lane[合集] 问几个road bike的问题
想买辆入门级的车,请帮忙推荐一下[合集] Please stop promoting road cycling as an expensive sport
first real bike ride[合集] 能不能推荐一个road bike for workout?
another 50 miles bike training this morning今天65个小山麦,70多度
菜鸟问: 这个road bike怎么样?来个ride report,兼纪念crash一周年。
求教Good Luck to Sierra2 "Death Ride" Tour de California Alps
话题: bike话题: road话题: 20mph话题: little话题: ride