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Cycling版 - 这里有人讨论
a great way to practice efficient pedaling今天去店里看clipless pedals 和鞋
为什么gym里练cycling的都是女生呢stupid bike questions
THE TOP 11 CYCLING TECHNIQUE TIPS by Scott Kasinchange a crank arm难不难啊?
昨天第一次上indoor cycling课Upgrade the saddle and handlebar, so smooth
请大家推荐个跟trainer搭配的自行车买了辆车。。 从 bikesdirect
今天骑车了crank/bottom bracket noise
track cycling events: Women's Team Sprint请教这是哪种自锁?
话题: indoor话题: bouncing话题: rpm话题: cycling话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1061
indoor cycling的嘛?gym有几个老师教indoor cycling,但教的差别很大,狗狗下,
有些是错误的。这里有人有那本叫“ Keep it Real In Your Indoor Cycling Classes
发帖数: 893
well, it's simply a lot harder to keep it real indoor. that's why this board
have always favored two types of trainings: group riding and climbing. but
you are welcome to describe some of the differences you noticed. we can help
you with all the technical and physiological questions you can throw at us.
the fitness board may be a better place to ask how to keep focus indoor
because most of us barely ride indoor and we use mostly trainers, not
spinners like those in a gym.
发帖数: 1061
Thanks! the big difference of two instructors is the rpm they focus on. one
is pretty fast, when sprinting, the rpm can reach 150, and she barely made
me drop down to 60 rpm. i recently used a virtual indoor cycling PT to do it
myself, it said, the rpm should not be lower than 60, and max. rpm should
never be over 110 rpm, which is from the some website. also, some about
isolation (aka no bouncing) is not recommended based on the same website.
since most of you guys here are doing outdoor, you m

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: well, it's simply a lot harder to keep it real indoor. that's why this board
: have always favored two types of trainings: group riding and climbing. but
: you are welcome to describe some of the differences you noticed. we can help
: you with all the technical and physiological questions you can throw at us.
: the fitness board may be a better place to ask how to keep focus indoor
: because most of us barely ride indoor and we use mostly trainers, not
: spinners like those in a gym.

发帖数: 893
ok, a few things:
1. low rpm is generally bad for your knee, thus the minimum of 60rpm.
however, many of us consider 60rpm already too low. but you should know the
rpm standard is different for sitting and standing. naturally people will go
10 rpm slower when they stand up while maintaining the same levels of
exertion. so I advise a minimum rpm of 70 for standing and 85 for sitting.
lower rpm for standing is ok because you have less bend in the knee, which
makes it ok for higher knee pressure.
发帖数: 1061
thanks for the answers.
about 3), by the term "no bouncing", it's kind of drill when out of saddle,
you only move your lower body, and keep all your upper body still, this came
out a few years ago, and was created for improving your quad. i read an
article, said now it's not recommended.
the bouncing you're talking about i think is the butt is bobbing on the
saddle when sprinting. yes, that's a bad form. my understanding is, even
when sprinting (one drill for indoor cycling) there should not be

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: ok, a few things:
: 1. low rpm is generally bad for your knee, thus the minimum of 60rpm.
: however, many of us consider 60rpm already too low. but you should know the
: rpm standard is different for sitting and standing. naturally people will go
: 10 rpm slower when they stand up while maintaining the same levels of
: exertion. so I advise a minimum rpm of 70 for standing and 85 for sitting.
: lower rpm for standing is ok because you have less bend in the knee, which
: makes it ok for higher knee pressure.
: 2

发帖数: 13580
bouncing with your center of gravity up and down (wobbling to the left and
right as well) is a waste of energy and imposes unnecessary impacts on your


【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: thanks for the answers.
: about 3), by the term "no bouncing", it's kind of drill when out of saddle,
: you only move your lower body, and keep all your upper body still, this came
: out a few years ago, and was created for improving your quad. i read an
: article, said now it's not recommended.
: the bouncing you're talking about i think is the butt is bobbing on the
: saddle when sprinting. yes, that's a bad form. my understanding is, even
: when sprinting (one drill for indoor cycling) there should not be

发帖数: 1061
i know this kind of bouncing is bad. the bouncing i'm talking about is this:
" Unsafe (But Popular) Movements and Techniques in Indoor Cycling"
This is when a rider holds the body still and holds the abdominals tight and
eliminates all upper body movement. Or, an instructor might ask the class
to isolate a certain part of the body such as the shoulders or hips.
This movement (or lack of it!) often causes a “burn” in the quads, glutes
and/or shoulders. Students misinter

【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: bouncing with your center of gravity up and down (wobbling to the left and
: right as well) is a waste of energy and imposes unnecessary impacts on your
: hips
: ,
: came

发帖数: 13580
huh, interesting. I never do any indoor spinning but I can't see any benefit
of holding any of your body parts when you spin. If you want a good workout
of the quad, you can just do squat, can't you?


【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: i know this kind of bouncing is bad. the bouncing i'm talking about is this:
: " Unsafe (But Popular) Movements and Techniques in Indoor Cycling"
: This is when a rider holds the body still and holds the abdominals tight and
: eliminates all upper body movement. Or, an instructor might ask the class
: to isolate a certain part of the body such as the shoulders or hips.
: This movement (or lack of it!) often causes a “burn” in the quads, glutes
: and/or shoulders. Students misinter

发帖数: 893
ok, bouncing only refers to side and/or updown upper body and hip movement
when sitting.
when standing, the correct form is called "dance on the pedal." so upper
body shouldn't be isolated. side to side movement is helpful to smoothly
shift weight to different legs. and up and down movement helps to exert
greater force on the pedals by pulling up your handle bar. see this, the
best dancer:


【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: i know this kind of bouncing is bad. the bouncing i'm talking about is this:
: " Unsafe (But Popular) Movements and Techniques in Indoor Cycling"
: This is when a rider holds the body still and holds the abdominals tight and
: eliminates all upper body movement. Or, an instructor might ask the class
: to isolate a certain part of the body such as the shoulders or hips.
: This movement (or lack of it!) often causes a “burn” in the quads, glutes
: and/or shoulders. Students misinter

发帖数: 1061
this might be the big difference in between indoor and outdoor cycling. for
indoor, what i got from online is, you can be slightly "dancing", but not
this much. but when, sitting, bouncing is not good, most of bouncing is due
of lack of resistance. it's very normal to see some students are doing 150
up rpm, and their butt is bouncing on the paddle, that mean, the bike is
driving them instead of they're in control.
请大家推荐个跟trainer搭配的自行车今天去店里看clipless pedals 和鞋
今天骑车了stupid bike questions
track cycling events: Women's Team Sprintchange a crank arm难不难啊?
发帖数: 893
wow, rare to see someone spend a day here talking about cycling. I think
banzhu should give you some reward.
doesn't your spinner bike has resistance adjustment? many people consider
that a very important feature for a good quality work out.
on dancing on the saddle, I think you need to have a good amount of movement
even riding indoor. because rocking the body is the natural result of being
loose/relaxed. I have seen people restrain their upper body movement while
standing, which is very stiff

【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: this might be the big difference in between indoor and outdoor cycling. for
: indoor, what i got from online is, you can be slightly "dancing", but not
: this much. but when, sitting, bouncing is not good, most of bouncing is due
: of lack of resistance. it's very normal to see some students are doing 150
: up rpm, and their butt is bouncing on the paddle, that mean, the bike is
: driving them instead of they're in control.

发帖数: 1061
this is one link i read online, not sure about the accuracy though.
Riding "tri style"
Why it’s done: You’ve probably seen triathletes riding with their forearms
on the handlebars, which makes it seem like it must be OK.
Why it shouldn’t be: When you’re riding a road bike, this position is not
as potentially harmful because your bike moves. But because the V Track
indoor bike you ride in class can’t move, your body needs to be relaxed

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: wow, rare to see someone spend a day here talking about cycling. I think
: banzhu should give you some reward.
: doesn't your spinner bike has resistance adjustment? many people consider
: that a very important feature for a good quality work out.
: on dancing on the saddle, I think you need to have a good amount of movement
: even riding indoor. because rocking the body is the natural result of being
: loose/relaxed. I have seen people restrain their upper body movement while
: standing, which is very stiff

发帖数: 1061
then what about cookiejar's reply
发信人: cookiejar (饼干桶), 信区: Cycling
标 题: Re: 这里有人讨论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 10 13:04:34 2009, 美东)
bouncing with your center of gravity up and down (wobbling to the left and
right as well) is a waste of energy and imposes unnecessary impacts on your


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: wow, rare to see someone spend a day here talking about cycling. I think
: banzhu should give you some reward.
: doesn't your spinner bike has resistance adjustment? many people consider
: that a very important feature for a good quality work out.
: on dancing on the saddle, I think you need to have a good amount of movement
: even riding indoor. because rocking the body is the natural result of being
: loose/relaxed. I have seen people restrain their upper body movement while
: standing, which is very stiff

发帖数: 893
it means you should move a bit. it is true that riding indoor is harder on
the butt. but really no one can keep upper body completely still. but the
point is you shouldn't put much efforts to stay still. relax and let the
pedaling motions rock your hips slightly. this will need some practice. you
don't want to be too loose and be all over the bike, but also not stiff and
rigid. watch some pro-videos on youtube might help. their hips don't move
much, but the movement is very slight and overall th

【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: this is one link i read online, not sure about the accuracy though.
: http://www.tracis.info/cyclingdosanddonts.htm
: Quoted:
: Riding "tri style"
: Why it’s done: You’ve probably seen triathletes riding with their forearms
: on the handlebars, which makes it seem like it must be OK.
: Why it shouldn’t be: When you’re riding a road bike, this position is not
: as potentially harmful because your bike moves. But because the V Track
: indoor bike you ride in class can’t move, your body needs to be relaxed
: enough

发帖数: 893
big dave has the best form. but not many can be so flexible.
发帖数: 1061
gotcha!! thank you very much!


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: it means you should move a bit. it is true that riding indoor is harder on
: the butt. but really no one can keep upper body completely still. but the
: point is you shouldn't put much efforts to stay still. relax and let the
: pedaling motions rock your hips slightly. this will need some practice. you
: don't want to be too loose and be all over the bike, but also not stiff and
: rigid. watch some pro-videos on youtube might help. their hips don't move
: much, but the movement is very slight and overall th

发帖数: 1061
i think there are some big differences between indoor and outdoor, here is
some form suggestions for indoor:
Posture & Form
* Shoulders & elbows should be relaxed
* Hinge from the hips, don't hunch or bend from the waist
* Pedal in a circular motion - not a triangle, and not a square. Visual
cue: "Pretend there's a pencil sticking out the side of your heel. You are
drawing a nice, round, circle with that pencil"
* To reduce

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: big dave has the best form. but not many can be so flexible.
发帖数: 893
generally good suggestions. the major cause of bouncing is overly high
cadence. so you should generally ride at cadence below bouncing, which is
around 110-120rpm for most people. some trackies can ride super high rpm
without bouncing though. and I have seen riders bouncing on the saddle at
any rpm.
the circle with pencil thing is ok. may help you to understand what you are
suppose to do. but since you are the kinda girl that would hang out on the
cycling board, you should know that a perfect pe

【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: i think there are some big differences between indoor and outdoor, here is
: some form suggestions for indoor:
: http://www.laurenwu.com/pages/ymcaindoorcycle.html#0200
: Posture & Form
: * Shoulders & elbows should be relaxed
: * Hinge from the hips, don't hunch or bend from the waist
: * Pedal in a circular motion - not a triangle, and not a square. Visual
: cue: "Pretend there's a pencil sticking out the side of your heel. You are
: drawing a nice, round, circle with that pencil"
: * To reduce

发帖数: 1061
i tried tonight in the spinning class, when i put pretty heavy resistance, i
can spin no higher than 130rpm, and
no bouncing at all (seated), we did 20 secs on and 20 secs off cycle, so,
when relaxed, it was about 80% MHR
for me to keep the cadence. so, off time is not really an off time for me.
after doing 5 of those on and off
sprint, my thighs were pretty burning. this was the first i used this
resistance for sprint just in order to keep it
under 130 when i tried all my hard to sprint.


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: generally good suggestions. the major cause of bouncing is overly high
: cadence. so you should generally ride at cadence below bouncing, which is
: around 110-120rpm for most people. some trackies can ride super high rpm
: without bouncing though. and I have seen riders bouncing on the saddle at
: any rpm.
: the circle with pencil thing is ok. may help you to understand what you are
: suppose to do. but since you are the kinda girl that would hang out on the
: cycling board, you should know that a perfect pe

发帖数: 1770
Q: Will an indoor-cycling class at my local gym help me in the winter?
By Chris Carmichael
首次公路车骑行报告crank/bottom bracket noise
Upgrade the saddle and handlebar, so smooth请教这是哪种自锁?
买了辆车。。 从 bikesdirect版上有没有人用speedplay pedal的?
发帖数: 893
are you trying to be a sexy tri-girl now? sprinting is not really help you


【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: i tried tonight in the spinning class, when i put pretty heavy resistance, i
: can spin no higher than 130rpm, and
: no bouncing at all (seated), we did 20 secs on and 20 secs off cycle, so,
: when relaxed, it was about 80% MHR
: for me to keep the cadence. so, off time is not really an off time for me.
: after doing 5 of those on and off
: sprint, my thighs were pretty burning. this was the first i used this
: resistance for sprint just in order to keep it
: under 130 when i tried all my hard to sprint.

发帖数: 1061
well, i don't really like sprinting, i prefer climbing. but the 130rpm made
me to load heavy, or otherwise, i'm easy to reach 140+. now, i'm thinking
about as long as i'm not bouncing (when seated) or i feel i'm in control of
the bike, i should release the load a bit and let the rpm go as it is.

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: are you trying to be a sexy tri-girl now? sprinting is not really help you
: though...
: i

发帖数: 1061
actually, i didn't do cycling at all. just because of my surgery on both of
my hips this May, i couldn't run a lot, started to take this spinning group
class. well, since i'm doing it, i just wanted to do it right, or close to r

【在 w*****h 的大作中提到】
: Q: Will an indoor-cycling class at my local gym help me in the winter?
: By Chris Carmichael
: http://www.bicycling.com/tourdefrance/article/0,6802,s1-4-403-21407-1,00.html

发帖数: 893
like I said, I see no point spin beyond 120rpm. but of course, that might
somewhat depend on your training goal. since you mentioned doing it correct,
I can tell you high rpm is definitely not the correct way to ride a bike (
indoor or out). the correct pedaling is smooth pedaling. the smoothness come
from correct and natural form. to get this form, you need to start with a
lower but safe rpm around 85 so that you have time to pay attention to each
part of the stroke. more riding will then impro

【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: well, i don't really like sprinting, i prefer climbing. but the 130rpm made
: me to load heavy, or otherwise, i'm easy to reach 140+. now, i'm thinking
: about as long as i'm not bouncing (when seated) or i feel i'm in control of
: the bike, i should release the load a bit and let the rpm go as it is.

发帖数: 1061
ok, i gotcha! i'll try not to be over 120 rpm. taking the class for the whol
e semester, now, almost by the end, i just realized i should check out if i'
m doing right, or the teachers are teaching right. it's kinda late, but bett
er than never knowing it. good thing is, the one that taught many wrong will
not teach here any more, will be in another gym. since she is my frined, i
guess i just zip my mouth about her teaching. :)


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: like I said, I see no point spin beyond 120rpm. but of course, that might
: somewhat depend on your training goal. since you mentioned doing it correct,
: I can tell you high rpm is definitely not the correct way to ride a bike (
: indoor or out). the correct pedaling is smooth pedaling. the smoothness come
: from correct and natural form. to get this form, you need to start with a
: lower but safe rpm around 85 so that you have time to pay attention to each
: part of the stroke. more riding will then impro

发帖数: 893
well, maybe you should try a real bike and see if you like it. one can't run
forever (your knee will simply give up), but cycling is a sport for life.
发帖数: 1061
thanks. when i get chance, i'll try. the thing is, i'm the one very very ver
y very easy to get hooked up on something (i mean sports) like how i started
to play soccer, only played once, i devoted myself to soccer and started to
workout for soccer. so, i'm afraid most likely once i start the outdoor cyc
ling, i can't control myself. :P


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: well, maybe you should try a real bike and see if you like it. one can't run
: forever (your knee will simply give up), but cycling is a sport for life.

发帖数: 893
that's all right. hobbies come and go. but not every sport is created equal.
hopefully cycling is for you to keep. good luck!


【在 h********1 的大作中提到】
: thanks. when i get chance, i'll try. the thing is, i'm the one very very ver
: y very easy to get hooked up on something (i mean sports) like how i started
: to play soccer, only played once, i devoted myself to soccer and started to
: workout for soccer. so, i'm afraid most likely once i start the outdoor cyc
: ling, i can't control myself. :P
: run

发帖数: 1061
thanks for all your valuable info here.


【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: that's all right. hobbies come and go. but not every sport is created equal.
: hopefully cycling is for you to keep. good luck!
: ver
: started
: to
: cyc

1 (共1页)
请教这是哪种自锁?昨天第一次上indoor cycling课
版上有没有人用speedplay pedal的?请大家推荐个跟trainer搭配的自行车
Can anyone please recommend a good light pedal for mountaitrack cycling events: Women's Team Sprint
a great way to practice efficient pedaling今天去店里看clipless pedals 和鞋
为什么gym里练cycling的都是女生呢stupid bike questions
THE TOP 11 CYCLING TECHNIQUE TIPS by Scott Kasinchange a crank arm难不难啊?
话题: indoor话题: bouncing话题: rpm话题: cycling话题: when