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Cycling版 - “The Chinese Professor”
cycling in China大气中的氮气是怎么来的
back to the basics什么芯片这么牛逼?
Help with front shifting, please技术贴:未成年人不能由父母放弃美国国籍
新手调变速Democrat Consultant: Obama’s White House is Incompetent Like Carter
哈哈哈FBI probe of 'Antifa ideology' underway
话题: chinese话题: professor话题: don话题: abundance
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 893
发帖数: 1498
Am I the only one that finds this not so offensive but actually pretty cool?
They don't get it, it's not conservative or liberal, republicans or democrats, or even what the government does. It's the people. They've grown incompetent over the years spent in abundance of resources. They don't believe in hard work, they want instantaneous gratification, and they feel entitled to everything. Such attitude is reflected in the politicians they elect, laws they pass, and policies they adopt. It's the curse of a democratic system -- when individuals become complacent and lazy and just want to vote themselves free money, the entire system goes down and gets taken over.
发帖数: 13580
and, of course, it's convenient to blame China for everything. I totally
agree with you on the problem of democracy. when the majority is incompetent
and evil, they simply drag down the rest.

democrats, or even what the government does. It's the people. They've
grown incompetent over the years spent in abundance of resources. They don'
t believe in hard work, they want

【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: Am I the only one that finds this not so offensive but actually pretty cool?
: They don't get it, it's not conservative or liberal, republicans or democrats, or even what the government does. It's the people. They've grown incompetent over the years spent in abundance of resources. They don't believe in hard work, they want instantaneous gratification, and they feel entitled to everything. Such attitude is reflected in the politicians they elect, laws they pass, and policies they adopt. It's the curse of a democratic system -- when individuals become complacent and lazy and just want to vote themselves free money, the entire system goes down and gets taken over.

发帖数: 3290
You both made good points and I concur. I also think ideology no matter it
is communism or democracy when stretched too far become evil. And people
with such ideology in both systems are susceptible to brain wash.


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: and, of course, it's convenient to blame China for everything. I totally
: agree with you on the problem of democracy. when the majority is incompetent
: and evil, they simply drag down the rest.
: cool?
: democrats, or even what the government does. It's the people. They've
: grown incompetent over the years spent in abundance of resources. They don'
: t believe in hard work, they want

1 (共1页)
FBI probe of 'Antifa ideology' underwayHelp with front shifting, please
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To stretch or not to stretch?哈哈哈
cycling in China大气中的氮气是怎么来的
back to the basics什么芯片这么牛逼?
话题: chinese话题: professor话题: don话题: abundance