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Cycling版 - Cavendish 眼中的TDF <1>:No-fly zone
TDF 第九段大家看到最前面的那位下山么?My toughest ride so far
Another magnificent sprint from HTCLance Armstrong is dead now
Cavendish the best sprinter2012 RAAM
Cavendish crashed within 100 metres of the finishCycling减肥效果不好
Cavendish confident British dream team can deliver first gold medal of London 2012元首对你们这些懒虫很火大
Interesting post on Vino's win on Olympic road race今天骑车倒霉事
Cavendish 眼中的TDF <2>:5 km more开汽车的急性子人滴我,加速超我,被警察逮了
Cavendish 眼中的TDF <3>:Giro vs Tourhow the pros avoid being killed in a crash
话题: he话题: zone话题: cavendish话题: tdf话题: mark
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3290
最近在看'Boy Racer',Cavendish自传的My Journey to Tour De France,写得非常有
趣坦诚,Brash, brutal, but absolutely honest. 正如其人。选上一些俺觉得有趣的
Dools is Mark's best friend from the Isle of Man. He often asks Mark what it
's like to ride a stage of TDF. Like most amateur cyclists, he is curious to
know how long he'd last in one of TDF's flat stages, 10, 50, or even 100 km
. Here is Mark's ans:
Dools, you wouldn't even make it through the neutralized zone. I can only
think of about three ppl on the Isle of Man who would.
He then goes on to say even for most competent amateurs, the neutralized
zone also known as no-fly zone which is only about 10km is also where it
would end.
In no-fly zone, the peloton is normally cruising at no more than 30 kph. Yet
, Cavendish is serious about what he told Dools. He and most even competent
cyclists wouldn't even have made it to the real start line, NOT because he
wasn't fast or fit enough but because of the feats of bike handling required
just to stay upright.
下面是Mark对骑no-fly zone的感受的描述:
It was chaos, absolute, utter chaos - the kind that leaves you mentally
drained after five minutes ... And we still had 197.5 km to ride just to
earn the right to do it all again the next day.
发帖数: 5141
Thank you for sharing. Very interesting.
On my to read list now.


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: 最近在看'Boy Racer',Cavendish自传的My Journey to Tour De France,写得非常有
: 趣坦诚,Brash, brutal, but absolutely honest. 正如其人。选上一些俺觉得有趣的
: ,准备陆续发上来,与大家共享。
: Dools is Mark's best friend from the Isle of Man. He often asks Mark what it
: 's like to ride a stage of TDF. Like most amateur cyclists, he is curious to
: know how long he'd last in one of TDF's flat stages, 10, 50, or even 100 km
: . Here is Mark's ans:
: Dools, you wouldn't even make it through the neutralized zone. I can only
: think of about three ppl on the Isle of Man who would.
: He then goes on to say even for most competent amateurs, the neutralized

发帖数: 10218
Mountain bikers will survive...
发帖数: 19210
Maybe, maybe not. I had one road race two years ago. And that was also my
last road race.

【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: Mountain bikers will survive...
发帖数: 2284
来故意抬个杠哈! 我觉得比较夸张了 - 譬如说,我的战术是故意落在整个mass
start的最末一个,趴在我的airo bar上远远地跟着 - 30kph的巡航速度还不容易么
?等前面的伙计在No Fly Zono里火并完了,再跟上去。


【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: 最近在看'Boy Racer',Cavendish自传的My Journey to Tour De France,写得非常有
: 趣坦诚,Brash, brutal, but absolutely honest. 正如其人。选上一些俺觉得有趣的
: ,准备陆续发上来,与大家共享。
: Dools is Mark's best friend from the Isle of Man. He often asks Mark what it
: 's like to ride a stage of TDF. Like most amateur cyclists, he is curious to
: know how long he'd last in one of TDF's flat stages, 10, 50, or even 100 km
: . Here is Mark's ans:
: Dools, you wouldn't even make it through the neutralized zone. I can only
: think of about three ppl on the Isle of Man who would.
: He then goes on to say even for most competent amateurs, the neutralized

发帖数: 10218
万一大家同样战术比慢呢? :)

【在 J********e 的大作中提到】
: 来故意抬个杠哈! 我觉得比较夸张了 - 譬如说,我的战术是故意落在整个mass
: start的最末一个,趴在我的airo bar上远远地跟着 - 30kph的巡航速度还不容易么
: ?等前面的伙计在No Fly Zono里火并完了,再跟上去。
: it
: to
: km

发帖数: 5141
What happened? More details please.

【在 i*********5 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈哈!
: Maybe, maybe not. I had one road race two years ago. And that was also my
: last road race.

发帖数: 3290
哈哈,that's a good one.
Not sure Cav would acknowledge it though.

【在 J********e 的大作中提到】
: 来故意抬个杠哈! 我觉得比较夸张了 - 譬如说,我的战术是故意落在整个mass
: start的最末一个,趴在我的airo bar上远远地跟着 - 30kph的巡航速度还不容易么
: ?等前面的伙计在No Fly Zono里火并完了,再跟上去。
: it
: to
: km

发帖数: 3290
Mountain bikers turned pro roadies always seem to have an advantage in this
regard, hehe.

【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: Mountain bikers will survive...
发帖数: 3583

【在 J********e 的大作中提到】
: 来故意抬个杠哈! 我觉得比较夸张了 - 譬如说,我的战术是故意落在整个mass
: start的最末一个,趴在我的airo bar上远远地跟着 - 30kph的巡航速度还不容易么
: ?等前面的伙计在No Fly Zono里火并完了,再跟上去。
: it
: to
: km

1 (共1页)
how the pros avoid being killed in a crashCavendish confident British dream team can deliver first gold medal of London 2012
【转贴】an open letter from one Toronto cyclist to anotherInteresting post on Vino's win on Olympic road race
stumbled upon this site, pretty impressed. nice bikes!Cavendish 眼中的TDF <2>:5 km more
CNN 上的一篇报道 cyclist died after a hit-and-run accident.Cavendish 眼中的TDF <3>:Giro vs Tour
TDF 第九段大家看到最前面的那位下山么?My toughest ride so far
Another magnificent sprint from HTCLance Armstrong is dead now
Cavendish the best sprinter2012 RAAM
Cavendish crashed within 100 metres of the finishCycling减肥效果不好
话题: he话题: zone话题: cavendish话题: tdf话题: mark