

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Dance版 - what a great semi-final!
Pasha and Anna[转载] waltz
SYTYCD new season tonight为什么男人很少愿意跳舞
SYTYCD 6-27Re: 好像大家讨论的大多是latin啊
谁被vote off了?[合集] waltz: double reverse spin and more
Four Dance Couples to Appear on CBS News - tomorrowHelp needed with dance music~~~
oh no! i should have voted for pashaVinese Waltz是有up and down的哦?
Natalie and Ryan's comtemporary继续来请教waltz的问题
So You Think You Can Dance this week!!!晋级成功,灌水庆贺
话题: great话题: pasha话题: smooth话题: semi话题: final
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 419
i enjoyed most of the numbers but of course danny's comtemporary and solo
were most special to me. i really hope he wins! i'm gonna dial non stop for
two hours next week for him!!!
but tonight some of my votes went to pasha for doing a great job in the
waltz. ok it's mostly a stationary arm-waving smooth routine, but the little
movement he did was high quality compared to what we'd seen on tv. i wish
lacey had a little more experience in standard/smooth so they could put on a
better show. but an
发帖数: 419
got to say that the jazz number was way cool, although i had to support
pasha and danny so no place for neil:)
1 (共1页)
晋级成功,灌水庆贺Four Dance Couples to Appear on CBS News - tomorrow
waltz学的名字也叫不上oh no! i should have voted for pasha
中秋舞会曲目Natalie and Ryan's comtemporary
中秋舞会选曲 - v1.1So You Think You Can Dance this week!!!
Pasha and Anna[转载] waltz
SYTYCD new season tonight为什么男人很少愿意跳舞
SYTYCD 6-27Re: 好像大家讨论的大多是latin啊
谁被vote off了?[合集] waltz: double reverse spin and more
话题: great话题: pasha话题: smooth话题: semi话题: final