

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Dance版 - I decide to take a ballroom dance class
Is Ballroom dancing art or sport?周五的舞会
Can people compete across age groups?Re: character shoe是什么鞋?
Musique and Moonraker - i can't believe this!In Ballroom,a Redefinition of 'Couple'
My first dance--zz关于salsa
My first dance--中文版--zz舞在美国(一)zt
[转载] I am from China报告一下昨天的东岸聚会,嘿嘿
My way of getting fun费城附近华人比较多的交际舞厅
Re: 秋天想学跳舞了,请大家给点建议!决心加入ballroom class--rumbalad 2
话题: ballroom话题: dance话题: decide话题: class话题: harvard
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
The actual sequence of events that led up to me being a rookie on the Harvard
ballroom team are kind of vague to me now, but I think this was how it went.
The fall after my ill-fated formal I decided to sign up for a ballroom dance
class. I don't remember exactly what made me decide to do it. It could just
have been out of pure curiosity, or maybe I wanted to become at least
competent in some form of ballroom dancing before my next formal. The harvard
ballroom team offered a free sampling of
1 (共1页)
决心加入ballroom class--rumbalad 2My first dance--中文版--zz
我第一次跳ballroom---rumbalad 1[转载] I am from China
Harvard Ballroom TeamMy way of getting fun
哈佛ballroom team--rumbalad 3Re: 秋天想学跳舞了,请大家给点建议!
Is Ballroom dancing art or sport?周五的舞会
Can people compete across age groups?Re: character shoe是什么鞋?
Musique and Moonraker - i can't believe this!In Ballroom,a Redefinition of 'Couple'
My first dance--zz关于salsa
话题: ballroom话题: dance话题: decide话题: class话题: harvard