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Dance版 - It must be boring to be a social dance teacher
do u guys prefer standard or latin?我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3
Re: :)(zz)OSB之行小结-by cp(5)
USA Dance National is for amateurs only?是不是很多人都在silver level停滞不前阿?
Re: 穿牛筋底的皮鞋跳舞last year of dance
Very sad.about comp
MIT Open 2010 Bronze Smooth Dance看了Shall We Dance了
I like dancing but I am not a dancerLooking for a male dance partner in Pasadena
关于比赛级别Mac NYC
话题: dance话题: boring话题: social话题: teacher话题: teachers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2094
To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
in a studio teaching social dancing.
今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁感慨:虽然聊胜于无, 比无聊也好
不了多少。大多数学生们都是social dance level bronze one or bronze two, 我只
好站在窗边看外面细雨中闪烁的灯影和湿漉漉的街道。 studio的老师们尽力鼓励学生
大叔大婶们get onto their feet,尽力高兴地跟学生们跳着,我心里好同情。 能做
dance teacher, 怎么说也会跳舞,对节奏,音乐,身体协调比一般人敏感许多, 成
天却要面对一群这方面迟钝的人, 岂不是一种折磨?
听人谈起,这样的studio一般就是挣bronze one or bronze two 学生的钱。 第一种学
生是实在不会跳的,在new comer level 就停下了。 第三种是天生有点悟性的,学得
发帖数: 213
能达到什么样的level, 基本上身高,体型,协调性,柔韧性,天资,开始training的年纪..
.就决定了他/她的ceiling. 一个人的ceiling 很容易看出来的.
比如说那些跳得很好的adult champ level dancer, 尤其那些以后要turn pro的, 看我
们这些novice, pre-champ 比来比去的, 是不是我们看social, bronze dancer在那里
struggle类似的感受? 我们找top pro 上课, 对他们来说我们也是何其迟钝, 在他们是
不是类似折磨? 他们同样为了business努力keep我们是不是也被同情?
所以不管什么人群, 各自有各自所属category的乐趣就好了.:)

To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
in a studio teaching social dancing.
今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
: in a studio teaching social dancing.
: 今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁感慨:虽然聊胜于无, 比无聊也好
: 不了多少。大多数学生们都是social dance level bronze one or bronze two, 我只
: 好站在窗边看外面细雨中闪烁的灯影和湿漉漉的街道。 studio的老师们尽力鼓励学生
: 大叔大婶们get onto their feet,尽力高兴地跟学生们跳着,我心里好同情。 能做
: dance teacher, 怎么说也会跳舞,对节奏,音乐,身体协调比一般人敏感许多, 成
: 天却要面对一群这方面迟钝的人, 岂不是一种折磨?
: 听人谈起,这样的studio一般就是挣bronze one or bronze two 学生的钱。 第一种学
: 生是实在不会跳的,在new comer level 就停下了。 第三种是天生有点悟性的,学得

发帖数: 463
Stepping Out? i understand how you feel...the summer after my newbie year,
i was hoping to take lessons in NYC over the summer and making some progress
. our team doesn't have classes over break, so i looked up group lessons/
studio in nyc, tried several studios and their social dance party. lots of
the teachers are/were top dancers in the country and former champions. the
experience was quite a turn-off tho. i love ballroom, and at one point,
thinking that i should have pursued a life in b
发帖数: 445


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
: in a studio teaching social dancing.
: 今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁感慨:虽然聊胜于无, 比无聊也好
: 不了多少。大多数学生们都是social dance level bronze one or bronze two, 我只
: 好站在窗边看外面细雨中闪烁的灯影和湿漉漉的街道。 studio的老师们尽力鼓励学生
: 大叔大婶们get onto their feet,尽力高兴地跟学生们跳着,我心里好同情。 能做
: dance teacher, 怎么说也会跳舞,对节奏,音乐,身体协调比一般人敏感许多, 成
: 天却要面对一群这方面迟钝的人, 岂不是一种折磨?
: 听人谈起,这样的studio一般就是挣bronze one or bronze two 学生的钱。 第一种学
: 生是实在不会跳的,在new comer level 就停下了。 第三种是天生有点悟性的,学得

发帖数: 43
机械地重复, 必然会有boring的时候,教人跳舞如此,学习跳舞如此, 艺术创作如此
, 科学试验如此,其他事情何不如此?!重要的是,在重复之中找到新奇, 在枯燥之
中找到乐趣, 在平凡之中找到伟大,在有限之中找到无限,在现实之中找到理想。。。

更重要的是, 在party中找到与自己跳得来的漂亮妹妹/哥哥
发帖数: 4801


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
: in a studio teaching social dancing.
: 今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁感慨:虽然聊胜于无, 比无聊也好
: 不了多少。大多数学生们都是social dance level bronze one or bronze two, 我只
: 好站在窗边看外面细雨中闪烁的灯影和湿漉漉的街道。 studio的老师们尽力鼓励学生
: 大叔大婶们get onto their feet,尽力高兴地跟学生们跳着,我心里好同情。 能做
: dance teacher, 怎么说也会跳舞,对节奏,音乐,身体协调比一般人敏感许多, 成
: 天却要面对一群这方面迟钝的人, 岂不是一种折磨?
: 听人谈起,这样的studio一般就是挣bronze one or bronze two 学生的钱。 第一种学
: 生是实在不会跳的,在new comer level 就停下了。 第三种是天生有点悟性的,学得

发帖数: 4801


【在 i**u 的大作中提到】
: 理解你的感受.不过这个只是以什么为参照的问题.
: 能达到什么样的level, 基本上身高,体型,协调性,柔韧性,天资,开始training的年纪..
: .就决定了他/她的ceiling. 一个人的ceiling 很容易看出来的.
: 比如说那些跳得很好的adult champ level dancer, 尤其那些以后要turn pro的, 看我
: 们这些novice, pre-champ 比来比去的, 是不是我们看social, bronze dancer在那里
: struggle类似的感受? 我们找top pro 上课, 对他们来说我们也是何其迟钝, 在他们是
: 不是类似折磨? 他们同样为了business努力keep我们是不是也被同情?
: 所以不管什么人群, 各自有各自所属category的乐趣就好了.:)
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works

发帖数: 4801


【在 H***r 的大作中提到】
: 机械地重复, 必然会有boring的时候,教人跳舞如此,学习跳舞如此, 艺术创作如此
: , 科学试验如此,其他事情何不如此?!重要的是,在重复之中找到新奇, 在枯燥之
: 中找到乐趣, 在平凡之中找到伟大,在有限之中找到无限,在现实之中找到理想。。。
: 。
: 。
: 。
: 。
: 。
: 。
: 。

发帖数: 629
after reading all you guys' posts, I depressed for a whole day!!
发帖数: 4801

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: after reading all you guys' posts, I depressed for a whole day!!
MIT Open 2010 Bronze Smooth Dance我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3
I like dancing but I am not a dancer(zz)OSB之行小结-by cp(5)
关于比赛级别是不是很多人都在silver level停滞不前阿?
发帖数: 629

depressing, depressing~~~~~~~~~~
I was thinking do I want to be one of these Brooklyn Russian kids??? after
thought about it over and over again, I am glad that I do love my own
profession and I believe I enjoy dancing mainly because it is my hobby
instead of my career.
for sure, I cannot be that good, because I am old and am getting older,
since I cannot be any younger, it should be my motivation to really enjoy
dancing and compete well, maybe one day I will be proud of myself that how

【在 i**u 的大作中提到】
: 理解你的感受.不过这个只是以什么为参照的问题.
: 能达到什么样的level, 基本上身高,体型,协调性,柔韧性,天资,开始training的年纪..
: .就决定了他/她的ceiling. 一个人的ceiling 很容易看出来的.
: 比如说那些跳得很好的adult champ level dancer, 尤其那些以后要turn pro的, 看我
: 们这些novice, pre-champ 比来比去的, 是不是我们看social, bronze dancer在那里
: struggle类似的感受? 我们找top pro 上课, 对他们来说我们也是何其迟钝, 在他们是
: 不是类似折磨? 他们同样为了business努力keep我们是不是也被同情?
: 所以不管什么人群, 各自有各自所属category的乐趣就好了.:)
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works

发帖数: 2094
I agree. i was afraid before posting it that people might extend the topic
outside of the narrow boundary i was drawing at that specific dull moment...
but i think on the dance scale of 0 to 100, social bronzers(from 0 to 10)
are probably more boring to their teachers than non-social novice dancers (
50-60??) to their teachers...because the former learns to dance while the
latter learns to dance beautifully. I don't know...just randomly spreaking..
.open to discussion...


【在 i**u 的大作中提到】
: 理解你的感受.不过这个只是以什么为参照的问题.
: 能达到什么样的level, 基本上身高,体型,协调性,柔韧性,天资,开始training的年纪..
: .就决定了他/她的ceiling. 一个人的ceiling 很容易看出来的.
: 比如说那些跳得很好的adult champ level dancer, 尤其那些以后要turn pro的, 看我
: 们这些novice, pre-champ 比来比去的, 是不是我们看social, bronze dancer在那里
: struggle类似的感受? 我们找top pro 上课, 对他们来说我们也是何其迟钝, 在他们是
: 不是类似折磨? 他们同样为了business努力keep我们是不是也被同情?
: 所以不管什么人群, 各自有各自所属category的乐趣就好了.:)
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works

发帖数: 2094
not stepping out, stepping out is better in that sense...yes social dancers
are different, and most of them don't even know that there are non-social
dancers, and they couldn't tell the self-claimed pro teachers from the real
pro teachers...


【在 c*****5 的大作中提到】
: Stepping Out? i understand how you feel...the summer after my newbie year,
: i was hoping to take lessons in NYC over the summer and making some progress
: . our team doesn't have classes over break, so i looked up group lessons/
: studio in nyc, tried several studios and their social dance party. lots of
: the teachers are/were top dancers in the country and former champions. the
: experience was quite a turn-off tho. i love ballroom, and at one point,
: thinking that i should have pursued a life in b

发帖数: 2094
hand hand onion! it is about a very specific situation, and usually it is
not good to say and i usually hesitate to say, but somehow i couldn't hold
back at that moment...

【在 c*******l 的大作中提到】
: 我赛,我都无语了!!!
: 写的太棒了!
: 你说的全同意。
: 宁愿深入的喜欢一个人,我也不喜欢浮皮潦草的喜欢10个人
: 就是只喜欢相近的人,没有那么多的耐心和同情心
: 确实就是一个字boring!!!
: works

发帖数: 2094
hey don't depress...i am in the same shoes as you; actually your shoes are
better than mine - at least you are doing something while i don't have time
to do...
i am sure students are boring to teachers from time to time, but teachers do
value progress and are very sensitive to that - that is one source of their
joy with teaching. if you dance for only 2 or 3 years and have already
progressed to novice, you should never depress.
here's the evidence (just to cheer you up, not to boast myself, hehe

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: ..
: depressing, depressing~~~~~~~~~~
: I was thinking do I want to be one of these Brooklyn Russian kids??? after
: thought about it over and over again, I am glad that I do love my own
: profession and I believe I enjoy dancing mainly because it is my hobby
: instead of my career.
: for sure, I cannot be that good, because I am old and am getting older,
: since I cannot be any younger, it should be my motivation to really enjoy
: dancing and compete well, maybe one day I will be proud of myself that how

发帖数: 2094
hey don't depress...i am in the same shoes as you; actually your shoes are
better than mine - at least you are doing something while i don't have time
to do...
i am sure students are boring to teachers from time to time, but teachers do
value progress and are very sensitive to that - that is one source of their
joy with teaching. if you dance for only 2 or 3 years and have already
progressed to novice, you should never depress.
here's the evidence (just to cheer you up, not to boast myself, hehe

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: ..
: depressing, depressing~~~~~~~~~~
: I was thinking do I want to be one of these Brooklyn Russian kids??? after
: thought about it over and over again, I am glad that I do love my own
: profession and I believe I enjoy dancing mainly because it is my hobby
: instead of my career.
: for sure, I cannot be that good, because I am old and am getting older,
: since I cannot be any younger, it should be my motivation to really enjoy
: dancing and compete well, maybe one day I will be proud of myself that how

发帖数: 921


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: To be a dance teacher must be very very boring. I mean, a teacher who works
: in a studio teaching social dancing.
: 今晚无聊, 去了一家studio的Friday Party. 不禁感慨:虽然聊胜于无, 比无聊也好
: 不了多少。大多数学生们都是social dance level bronze one or bronze two, 我只
: 好站在窗边看外面细雨中闪烁的灯影和湿漉漉的街道。 studio的老师们尽力鼓励学生
: 大叔大婶们get onto their feet,尽力高兴地跟学生们跳着,我心里好同情。 能做
: dance teacher, 怎么说也会跳舞,对节奏,音乐,身体协调比一般人敏感许多, 成
: 天却要面对一群这方面迟钝的人, 岂不是一种折磨?
: 听人谈起,这样的studio一般就是挣bronze one or bronze two 学生的钱。 第一种学
: 生是实在不会跳的,在new comer level 就停下了。 第三种是天生有点悟性的,学得

发帖数: 921
no, u don't need to depress. Instead, you should be proud of urself!
Keep dancing,我还等着到了ny,你罩着我呢,呵呵

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: ..
: depressing, depressing~~~~~~~~~~
: I was thinking do I want to be one of these Brooklyn Russian kids??? after
: thought about it over and over again, I am glad that I do love my own
: profession and I believe I enjoy dancing mainly because it is my hobby
: instead of my career.
: for sure, I cannot be that good, because I am old and am getting older,
: since I cannot be any younger, it should be my motivation to really enjoy
: dancing and compete well, maybe one day I will be proud of myself that how

发帖数: 213
sorry, didn't mean to make you feel down. :P
yes, it's our hobby, not our prefession. just enjoy what it brings. :)

【在 P*****a 的大作中提到】
: ..
: depressing, depressing~~~~~~~~~~
: I was thinking do I want to be one of these Brooklyn Russian kids??? after
: thought about it over and over again, I am glad that I do love my own
: profession and I believe I enjoy dancing mainly because it is my hobby
: instead of my career.
: for sure, I cannot be that good, because I am old and am getting older,
: since I cannot be any younger, it should be my motivation to really enjoy
: dancing and compete well, maybe one day I will be proud of myself that how

1 (共1页)
Mac NYCVery sad.
A disco songMIT Open 2010 Bronze Smooth Dance
ABC family "Dance fever" sunday night 11pmI like dancing but I am not a dancer
Dance Sneakers关于比赛级别
do u guys prefer standard or latin?我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3
Re: :)(zz)OSB之行小结-by cp(5)
USA Dance National is for amateurs only?是不是很多人都在silver level停滞不前阿?
Re: 穿牛筋底的皮鞋跳舞last year of dance
话题: dance话题: boring话题: social话题: teacher话题: teachers