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Database版 - question
Re: question about CAST and Multiset[转载] 旋转完成?
Help about mysql问个关于sql query 运行速度的问题
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话题: cast话题: multiset话题: type话题: data话题: sql
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41
I have a question here:
What do CAST and MULTISET do in SQL language?
I read in a book that CAST converts a specified scalar value to
a specified scalar data type (maybe a user defined data type),
is that true? Does it take at least two arguments (value and the
data type)?
And I can't find MULTISET. Please give me a hand.
发帖数: 36

CAST is a reversed word in SQL2 Standard. Generaly, it
should have two
argus: value and new data type. But in diffrent DBMSs, the
syntax maybe a little diffrent, so you'd better refer to
your server's documents. Convert is another funtion similar
with Cast.
For SQL Server, the syntax is: CAST(expression as datatype),
and it doesn't suporrt user-defined datatype in CAST.

【在 C*******e 的大作中提到】
: I have a question here:
: What do CAST and MULTISET do in SQL language?
: I read in a book that CAST converts a specified scalar value to
: a specified scalar data type (maybe a user defined data type),
: is that true? Does it take at least two arguments (value and the
: data type)?
: And I can't find MULTISET. Please give me a hand.
: Thanks.

发帖数: 41
Since I was looking at relational/object DBMS, CAST
now is extended to user defined data type also, I guess,
in SQL extensions. And probabely MULTISET serves similar
function together with CAST, but I really couldn't find
this guy.

【在 s*****c 的大作中提到】
: CAST is a reversed word in SQL2 Standard. Generaly, it
: should have two
: argus: value and new data type. But in diffrent DBMSs, the
: syntax maybe a little diffrent, so you'd better refer to
: your server's documents. Convert is another funtion similar
: with Cast.
: For SQL Server, the syntax is: CAST(expression as datatype),
: and it doesn't suporrt user-defined datatype in CAST.

1 (共1页)
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the most stupid questionsomething about SQL
Re: question about CAST and Multiset[转载] 旋转完成?
Help about mysql问个关于sql query 运行速度的问题
Questions about building a database(Maybe ACCESS?)SQL脚本?
stored procedure running 很慢的问题Does MS SQL 7 support SQL3 Datatype?
话题: cast话题: multiset话题: type话题: data话题: sql