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Database版 - 哪里有oracle administration 英文版的书下载
想从linux admin转oracle DBA该怎么跟老板说?ERP Support Administrator是什么职位?
怎么跟老板说从linux admin换到oracle dba。 (转载)IT行业2012薪水水平
[转载] Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer请教!我应该怎么成为data analyst?
阐爵衄oracle administration □□唳腔□□□已经很熟悉T-SQL,想自学mysql administration方面的知识,求推
oracle bookSr. Oracle Database Administrator position in VA
各位老大,管理数据库的用户,这样行吗?【工作机会 ORACLE DBA
怎么准备第一份DBA工作[工作机会] Oracle DBA in MN
讨论一下经验积累型,能防老的工种吧!where is password file for mysql
话题: oracle话题: rmb话题: 下载话题: 英文版
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
我想考oracle administrator 认证,哪位大侠能告知哪里有下载的
发帖数: 9
No way. Oracle CPA test will cost you about 30,000 RMB if you attend the class.
So if you can get those stuffs freely, who will attend the class?
For me, I just ordered some books from Amazon via my friends in USA.
That will cost you about 1000 RMB. But remember each test will cost
you 1,7000 RMB and there are 5 tests in all. If you failed in one,
you have to pay 1,700 RMB again... And it is important to prepare well
before you take the test.
Good luck! For me, another good resource is the onlin

【在 h*****t 的大作中提到】
: 我想考oracle administrator 认证,哪位大侠能告知哪里有下载的
: 书,最好是HTML的

发帖数: 1
would you please tell me what books should be
ordered? my question is that I should order
what books for the CPA test.
Thanks a lot!

【在 s***l 的大作中提到】
: No way. Oracle CPA test will cost you about 30,000 RMB if you attend the class.
: So if you can get those stuffs freely, who will attend the class?
: For me, I just ordered some books from Amazon via my friends in USA.
: That will cost you about 1000 RMB. But remember each test will cost
: you 1,7000 RMB and there are 5 tests in all. If you failed in one,
: you have to pay 1,700 RMB again... And it is important to prepare well
: before you take the test.
: Good luck! For me, another good resource is the onlin

1 (共1页)
where is password file for mysqloracle book
Database Administrator Job opportunity各位老大,管理数据库的用户,这样行吗?
Database Administrator Job opportunity怎么准备第一份DBA工作
data analyst和 database administration有什么区别? (转载)讨论一下经验积累型,能防老的工种吧!
想从linux admin转oracle DBA该怎么跟老板说?ERP Support Administrator是什么职位?
怎么跟老板说从linux admin换到oracle dba。 (转载)IT行业2012薪水水平
[转载] Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) and Developer请教!我应该怎么成为data analyst?
阐爵衄oracle administration □□唳腔□□□已经很熟悉T-SQL,想自学mysql administration方面的知识,求推
话题: oracle话题: rmb话题: 下载话题: 英文版