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Database版 - Re: 菜鸟问题: 请问现在的数据库的远程管理能做到那些?是否可以完全取代
菜鸟问题: 请问现在的数据库的远程管理能做到那些?是否可以完全取代本地机器的管理?在personal oracle 中如何config connection 到本地database?
[转载] 申请Database版版主how to do this Database operation as time
seeking your cool ideaASP高人们帮忙看看这几行 SQL codes的问题,谢乐!
我这个数据库怎么办啊?USE statement in SQL 7
One question on SQL ServerHow to create a new database under SQL 7.0 from remote host?
请问DATABASE各位大侠Re: How to create a new database under SQL 7.0 from remote host?
Quick way to learn database?[转载] 新手求教:DATABASE编程的入门
SQL database suspect status, Help!!!a simple question
话题: sql话题: database话题: remote话题: server话题: local
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 72

if it is MS SQL server, the Enterpirise Manager program
makes no difference for local or remote database.
In either case you have to define the name and access method to the
SQL server. After that, the remote database look the same as the local ones
and you can do everything on that as long as you are the owner
of that database.
1 (共1页)
a simple questionOne question on SQL Server
Oracle每次一重启就不能用了...help please~请问DATABASE各位大侠
which database language is most popular?Quick way to learn database?
Is there anyone familiar with data warehouse?SQL database suspect status, Help!!!
菜鸟问题: 请问现在的数据库的远程管理能做到那些?是否可以完全取代本地机器的管理?在personal oracle 中如何config connection 到本地database?
[转载] 申请Database版版主how to do this Database operation as time
seeking your cool ideaASP高人们帮忙看看这几行 SQL codes的问题,谢乐!
我这个数据库怎么办啊?USE statement in SQL 7
话题: sql话题: database话题: remote话题: server话题: local