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Database版 - Mysql limits
table的每行数据是以二叉树结构存在硬盘里的吗?A web based database adm program
how to extract textHow about JDBC for mysql?
A weird errorHow to import database into MySQL?
Free Database ListmySQL Licence ID
Is there any small free database support Java ?MySQL: cannot connect
how to usa mSQL?mysql 一问
给偶一个干活的机会,何如? 申请作Database板副mysql 又一问
话题: mysql话题: text话题: fails话题: limits话题: size
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 28
Is there a limit in size for the data type of text in Mysql?
I try to insert a very
large text file but the server fails to take it. If i cut
the size of the text,
i take it smoothly. Thanks.
发帖数: 116
Yeah, of course, why not use LONGBLOB or LONGTEXT?

【在 s***m 的大作中提到】
: Is there a limit in size for the data type of text in Mysql?
: I try to insert a very
: large text file but the server fails to take it. If i cut
: the size of the text,
: i take it smoothly. Thanks.

发帖数: 28

I try to use longtext for the field. However, if the string
that i create contains
new line, the server fails to accept it. For examples, if i
create a simple GUI
for mail composer, if i want to allow user to type in their
message into textarea and then
use a servlet to fetch the content in textarea as a string,
i am not able to insert
them into mysql because of the Indent and newline. How can i
do that?

【在 c****d 的大作中提到】
: Yeah, of course, why not use LONGBLOB or LONGTEXT?
发帖数: 116
You need escape these escape chars. Check manual please.:))

【在 s***m 的大作中提到】
: I try to use longtext for the field. However, if the string
: that i create contains
: new line, the server fails to accept it. For examples, if i
: create a simple GUI
: for mail composer, if i want to allow user to type in their
: message into textarea and then
: use a servlet to fetch the content in textarea as a string,
: i am not able to insert
: them into mysql because of the Indent and newline. How can i

1 (共1页)
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问个数据库问题Is there any small free database support Java ?
一问how to usa mSQL?
如何实现DB底层的功能?给偶一个干活的机会,何如? 申请作Database板副
table的每行数据是以二叉树结构存在硬盘里的吗?A web based database adm program
how to extract textHow about JDBC for mysql?
A weird errorHow to import database into MySQL?
Free Database ListmySQL Licence ID
话题: mysql话题: text话题: fails话题: limits话题: size