

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Database版 - very strange problem on getting data from database file [perl]
debug PL/SQLDebugging in SQLPLUS, need help
SQL debug step into a store procedure from another one (转载)Perl website?
MySQL: cannot connectwho has registration code for toad?
Strange VB/ADO problem (转载)sort
Perl DBI & DBD请问如何将Mysql database里的数据转化到Access里?
A web based database adm program请教: 如何用Perl连接Oracle数据库?
How to extract data from webPerl/CGI & Mysql
哭诉!urgent: help on perl/ personal web server
话题: data话题: oo话题: perl话题: function
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17
Hi, I have a function to get data from a locally stored data file by "tie"ing
a hash with it. This is written as the NON-OO perl program;
I wrote a non-OO perl program to get the data from it and it worked well.
But my OO program could not get the data out, although it could communicate
with this function FindByArchiveDate, i.e. FindByArchiveDate could accept the
input correctly and return a fixed a value assigned by me.
After I put several debugging comments in the function FindByArchiveDa
1 (共1页)
urgent: help on perl/ personal web serverPerl DBI & DBD
Help: Perl DBI to access oracleA web based database adm program
[转载] Re: any one know perl and SQL??How to extract data from web
help needed on aspx&ms-access哭诉!
debug PL/SQLDebugging in SQLPLUS, need help
SQL debug step into a store procedure from another one (转载)Perl website?
MySQL: cannot connectwho has registration code for toad?
Strange VB/ADO problem (转载)sort
话题: data话题: oo话题: perl话题: function