

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Database版 - A question in class diagram
请教一个oracle的quick questionhow to list all tables in my account?
请教大侠:用Access import excel tables 但是从第6行开始,怎么做?Can I create thousands table in one...
Linux server, mysql请教用ACCESS做REPORT(TABLE & GRAPH)
SSRS 牛人请进Oracle下如何能得到所有table的名字?
Sqlplus if the column numbers are too many and line too longanalyze 在oracle里怎么用?
how to see all the tables in SQL*PLUS?interview question (SQL)
foreign key reference to two tables? how to do it?sqldeveloper 怎么读一个table
话题: diagram话题: table话题: class话题: question话题: headers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 530
Can anybody explain what is "line item"?
We are using this in the class diagram.
Thank you.
发帖数: 8
You didn't provide enough information. So I just
have a guess.
In data modeling, there is a popular
pattern called "header, line, detail". For example,
you can model an order as three tables,
headers table, lines table and details table.
The relationship between headers table and lines
table are one to many. The relationship between
lines table and details table are one to one.
In the headers table, you store information about
the entire order, such as customer name, order date, etc.
In the line

【在 p*****g 的大作中提到】
: Can anybody explain what is "line item"?
: We are using this in the class diagram.
: Thank you.

1 (共1页)
sqldeveloper 怎么读一个tableSqlplus if the column numbers are too many and line too long
fact table 和 dimension table 的区别到底是什么?求教...初级问题
SQL combine two columns from two different tables no shared (转载)how to see all the tables in SQL*PLUS?
What's the meaning of "end-to-end"foreign key reference to two tables? how to do it?
请教一个oracle的quick questionhow to list all tables in my account?
请教大侠:用Access import excel tables 但是从第6行开始,怎么做?Can I create thousands table in one...
Linux server, mysql请教用ACCESS做REPORT(TABLE & GRAPH)
SSRS 牛人请进Oracle下如何能得到所有table的名字?
话题: diagram话题: table话题: class话题: question话题: headers