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Database版 - getting connected to Oracle in Perl
请教: 如何用Perl连接Oracle数据库?Enmergency: Oracle Driver, Thanks a lot
Cannot connect to the mysql server insidHelp: 如何在oracle 9i 中添加1 个user?
connection pool 面试题dbi connect to oracle
ORACLE Pro*C 远程接续一问?[转载] an Oracle ODBC question
ASP + OracleHow to connect Oracle from SQL server management studio?
在personal oracle 中如何config connection 到本地database?Oracle里怎么知道在我的database上有多少个connection
How to let sql plus connect to the local database in personal oracle?How to rename ORACLE_SID and move it to a new server?
connect to an oracle server on anoter machinebroken pipe in Jboss + Oracle
话题: oracle话题: perl话题: connected话题: getting话题: box
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 98
Is there anyone who has experience with perl(on a Linux box) connecting to
Oracle? What I want to do is simply a sql read/write.
I am trying to install DBI::Oracle, but it is required that oracle has to be
already installed on the same box. If anyone who knows about this, would you
please intro it in a little more details? or, is there any other approach?
any suggestions will be appreciated.
发帖数: 3882
seems u need to install oracle client in ur box.
think about it, u need to establish a connection to ur oracle server.

【在 f***y 的大作中提到】
: Is there anyone who has experience with perl(on a Linux box) connecting to
: Oracle? What I want to do is simply a sql read/write.
: I am trying to install DBI::Oracle, but it is required that oracle has to be
: already installed on the same box. If anyone who knows about this, would you
: please intro it in a little more details? or, is there any other approach?
: any suggestions will be appreciated.

1 (共1页)
broken pipe in Jboss + OracleASP + Oracle
请问怎么学习INFORMATICA啊在personal oracle 中如何config connection 到本地database?
求助:SQL SETUP过程中的问题How to let sql plus connect to the local database in personal oracle?
Oracle BI Client 问题connect to an oracle server on anoter machine
请教: 如何用Perl连接Oracle数据库?Enmergency: Oracle Driver, Thanks a lot
Cannot connect to the mysql server insidHelp: 如何在oracle 9i 中添加1 个user?
connection pool 面试题dbi connect to oracle
ORACLE Pro*C 远程接续一问?[转载] an Oracle ODBC question
话题: oracle话题: perl话题: connected话题: getting话题: box