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Database版 - Web Seminar host by CINAOUG at 2011/05/02 7PM EST
CINAOUG 2011年11月数据库讲座发不和谐文章--Oracle is #1 in the RDBMS Sector for 2011 (ZZ)
CINAOUG 2012年1月数据库讲座新人求助:请问在美国有什么可以考的入门DBA执照?
PL/SQL工作机会多吗【CINASSUG】【CINAOUG】SQL Server 讲座第3课- BI技术交流 ag
Is Netezza really good?【CINASSUG】【CINAOUG】SQL Server 讲座第4课- BI技术 by Der
Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011Oracle OCM 有多牛?
CINAOUG 2011 年8月数据库入门与就业系列讲座。求MCTS Training Kit (Exam 70-433 Database Development
Oracle 的认证该考哪个?Web Seminar hosted by CINAOUG on 2011/06/13
话题: seminar话题: oracle话题: zen话题: cinaoug话题: database
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34098
Web Seminar Host By Chinese in North America Oracle User Group (CINAOUG)
Join CINAOUG? http://groups.google.com/group/cinaoug
Date: Monday, May 2, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Duration: 1 hour
To join the Web Seminar
Go to http://www.AnyMeeting.com/cinaoug1. Seminar access link will be
available 15 minutes before the seminar start time.
We will use VOIP, no dial-in is required at this time. In case we may
need Conference Call, we will send detail by email.
Session One
Best Security Practices on Creating Oracle Databases
Now days database servers are the most important servers in company.
Information like client details, financial and payroll information,
individual health information are key data which will keep company
success in business. How to make data to be secure is always critical to
IT managers, DBAs and Developers. Zen will walk you through steps,
before/during/after database creation, to make oracle database more
Zhen (Zen) Zhang From Z2 System Services -- Oracle OCP, Microsoft MCT on
Zhen (Zen) Zhang is a Database Expert in Oracle, SQL Server and Netezza.
He is Oracle Certified Professional in Database Administration and
Microsoft Certified Trainer on Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC). Zen
has more than 10 years of broad IT experience on various platforms,
including but not limited to management of data warehouses in terabyte
size, implementing database security and auditing, performance tuning,
and disaster recovery planning and implementation. Zen is the Founder of
Z2 System Service which provides best-in-class remote or onsite DBA
services to help businesses increase productivity and reduce the cost of
enterprise computing. Zen also loves to share his knowledge with the
community, and he currently is member
of CINAOUG management team.
Session Two
Session two will be a survey for the Web Seminar this time. We want to
check if this type of seminar is a good or not. Next time this session
will become a tech session in non-oracle technology.
A quick survey will be distributed immediately after the presentation,
everyone please do fill it.
After survey is option, anyone has further thought about web seminar or
group can stay and talk.
Quick start to use Anymeeting http://support.anymeeting.com/index.php?
For any questions please contact b*************[email protected]
Beijing on behalf of CINAOUG
发帖数: 34098
Ding, It is Today.

【在 B*****g 的大作中提到】
: Web Seminar Host By Chinese in North America Oracle User Group (CINAOUG)
: Join CINAOUG? http://groups.google.com/group/cinaoug
: Date: Monday, May 2, 2011
: Time: 7:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
: Duration: 1 hour
: To join the Web Seminar
: Go to http://www.AnyMeeting.com/cinaoug1. Seminar access link will be
: available 15 minutes before the seminar start time.
: We will use VOIP, no dial-in is required at this time. In case we may
: need Conference Call, we will send detail by email.

发帖数: 10844
Sorry I'll miss it today. Have a concert to go instead.
Good luck!

【在 B*****g 的大作中提到】
: Ding, It is Today.
发帖数: 6045
1 (共1页)
Web Seminar hosted by CINAOUG on 2011/06/13Oracle Webinar hosted by CINAOUG on July 18, 2011
怎么准备第一份DBA工作CINAOUG 2011 年8月数据库入门与就业系列讲座。
现在转行学数据库有前途吗?Oracle 的认证该考哪个?
CINAOUG 2011年11月数据库讲座发不和谐文章--Oracle is #1 in the RDBMS Sector for 2011 (ZZ)
CINAOUG 2012年1月数据库讲座新人求助:请问在美国有什么可以考的入门DBA执照?
PL/SQL工作机会多吗【CINASSUG】【CINAOUG】SQL Server 讲座第3课- BI技术交流 ag
Is Netezza really good?【CINASSUG】【CINAOUG】SQL Server 讲座第4课- BI技术 by Der
话题: seminar话题: oracle话题: zen话题: cinaoug话题: database