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Detective版 - 为了忘却的纪念
六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)国内的年轻人不鸟六四
自尊,自爱,自重Anniversary of Tiananmen Crackdown Echoes Through Shanghai Market
为了忘却的纪念Stock market numbers mark 23rd anniversary of crackdown on Tiananmen democracy
用google insight试了几个关键词李娜记者招待会上回应“单飞”与六四问题
Calls For Justice For Tiananmen Met With Silence美国政府解密的六四文件
Calls For Justice For Tiananmen Met With Silence华夏快递 : 伦敦烛光悼念六四屠杀21周年活动 (6月4日星期五晚上 (转载)
美国政府解密的六四文件我操, 六四长安街上死了很多人啊
Gaddafi’s Unwanted China Praise国家地理的那篇烂文link
话题: open话题: french话题: tiananmen话题: square话题: massacre
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10373
【 以下文字转载自 Tennis 讨论区 】
发信人: bostontennis (bostontennis), 信区: Tennis
标 题: 为了忘却的纪念
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 4 17:21:29 2012, 美东)
The match was played on June 5, 1989, just one day after the height of the
Tiananmen Square Massacre. Chang has frequently noted the impact of the
massacre when recalling his French Open victory:
"A lot of people forget that Tiananmen Square was going on. The
crackdown that happened was on the middle Sunday at the French Open, so if I
was not practicing or playing a match, I was glued to the television,
watching the events unfold...I often tell people I think it was God's
purpose for me to be able to win the French Open the way it was won because
I was able to put a smile on Chinese people's faces around the world at a
time when there wasn't much to smile about."[8]
1 (共1页)
国家地理的那篇烂文linkCalls For Justice For Tiananmen Met With Silence
华夏快递 : 伦敦烛光悼念六四屠杀21周年活动 (6月4日星期五晚上 (转载)Calls For Justice For Tiananmen Met With Silence
六四”的被利用价值终于被榨干了—维基泄密:天安门广场没有流血!(ZT)Gaddafi’s Unwanted China Praise
六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)国内的年轻人不鸟六四
自尊,自爱,自重Anniversary of Tiananmen Crackdown Echoes Through Shanghai Market
为了忘却的纪念Stock market numbers mark 23rd anniversary of crackdown on Tiananmen democracy
用google insight试了几个关键词李娜记者招待会上回应“单飞”与六四问题
话题: open话题: french话题: tiananmen话题: square话题: massacre