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Detective版 - 攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BB攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BB攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BBtg的党员是不是都是这样的?
bssd 门当户对啊, 中外都如此485问是否曾经入党应该怎么回答?
常规途径解决KM问题及致相关部门的询问信件模板[请转华人论坛] (转载)分享党员模板
Re: 常规途径解决KM问题及致相关部门的询问信件模板[请转华人论 (转载)攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
党员交485请再一次党员声明 (非pijiang版)带有:RE...Part. 3, Item C6
话题: party话题: xx话题: communist话题: membership话题: member
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 44466
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Math1978 (数学), 信区: Military
标 题: 攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 27 21:26:38 2012, 美东)
发信人: fatmingzhou (fatming), 信区: Joke
标 题: 攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 27 17:15:40 2012, 美东)
发信人: daguorener09 (大果仁儿), 信区: EB23
标 题: 攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 27 16:30:37 2012, 美东)
发信人: daguorener09 (大果仁儿), 信区: I485
标 题: 攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 27 16:30:00 2012, 美东)
老婆以前是党员,去年提交485前做了很多研究,建议Part 3 Item C.6回答是和否的基
Part 3 Item C.6
Re: Explanation for my Past Membership in Chinese Communist Party
Dear Sir or Madam:
I became a member of Chinese Communist Party in XX when I was a college
student in China. I never believed in the party, and I joined it only out of
the pressure of career advancement. In China, enrollment as a student party
member is a sign of being an outstanding student and makes it easier to
look for a job after graduation. One who is not a party member chances
career blockage, especially when working for state-owned companies and
government agencies.
I was never an active member of the Communist Party. I never believed in any
of the propaganda the party taught, and was never involved in any
politically related activities in the party. I had barely maintained the
membership by paying my membership dues.
Once I came to United States in XX to pursue my graduate degree in XX, I
ceased paying my membership dues and stopped contacting the party
organization. According to the Constitution of Chinese Communist Party, a
party member who fails to pay his/her membership dues for six successive
months is regarded as having given up membership. So it was in XXX my
membership with the Communist Party was automatically terminated.
1 (共1页)
请再一次党员声明 (非pijiang版)带有:RE...Part. 3, Item C6常规途径解决KM问题及致相关部门的询问信件模板[请转华人论坛] (转载)
请牛人帮忙看一下这个党员声明可以么?被RFE了,有点怕怕! (转载)Re: 常规途径解决KM问题及致相关部门的询问信件模板[请转华人论 (转载)
请牛人帮忙看一下这个党员声明可以么?被RFE了,有点怕怕!攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
紧急求助,485党员问题, 表格填错了!!!党员交485
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BB攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BB攒人品,发一个I-485党员声明 (转载)
Re: United states, the most successful nation ever [from BBtg的党员是不是都是这样的?
bssd 门当户对啊, 中外都如此485问是否曾经入党应该怎么回答?
话题: party话题: xx话题: communist话题: membership话题: member