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DotNet版 - How to Ads blocks...
authenticationAny easy way to create PDF on the fly?
急急急!!!C#问题How do you disable automatic style generation in VS2005?
how to generate table in visual C#Has any of you tried SmartCode?
how to import C# .net DLL in VC6?寻找VBNET编程朋友
difference between VS2005 and VS2003code generation
Interesting change in vs 2005Solution suggestions? (转载)
Anyone uses LLBLGen Pro?About sequence diagram
The "automatically log me in" option.RDLC slow reports issue. Please!
话题: ads话题: blocks话题: html话题: pane话题: accomplish
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 70
In google or this bbs, some advertisement blocks will be displayed on the
right pane.
Is this implemented by generating html tables and put content in them? Or
there may be other easy ways to accomplish it?
发帖数: 1011
Typically those ads are database records. html is dynamically generated.

【在 c*o 的大作中提到】
: In google or this bbs, some advertisement blocks will be displayed on the
: right pane.
: Is this implemented by generating html tables and put content in them? Or
: there may be other easy ways to accomplish it?

1 (共1页)
.RDLC slow reports issue. Please!difference between VS2005 and VS2003
asp.net咋不用javascript做client-side编程?Interesting change in vs 2005
这个网站是asp.net mvc based?Anyone uses LLBLGen Pro?
求.Net 可以Fail烙印的面试题目。The "automatically log me in" option
authenticationAny easy way to create PDF on the fly?
急急急!!!C#问题How do you disable automatic style generation in VS2005?
how to generate table in visual C#Has any of you tried SmartCode?
how to import C# .net DLL in VC6?寻找VBNET编程朋友
话题: ads话题: blocks话题: html话题: pane话题: accomplish