

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
DotNet版 - dynamic change before refreshing
Jquery dialog问题请教ArrayList??
Button's refresh problemHow to change web method's name?
Nested Datalist layout!!麻烦推荐一本VB.NET书?
default !asp.net Ajax timer to update panel only but refresh whole page why? Thank you!
How to check a linked table?Entity Framework Open Sourced
clicks by reference请教一个report viewer loading performance 的问题
drawing in c#Linq to entity framework: what happens if i modified DB schema in SSMS ?
Please help me with Infragistics XamDatagrid databindingstatic or else?
话题: javascript话题: item话题: shopping话题: cart话题: once
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 362
Does .net support some javascript features? For example:
(1) Shopping cart: items can be added to or deleted from a diplayed shopping
cart once users clicks some checkboxes on a item list webpage. I found there
is no refresh at all after selecting an item in javascript, but there will be
a refresh after an item is checked if we want to update the shopping cart
content once an item is selected.
(2) Simliarly, if we want to display coresponding cities for a state once it
is clicked on the same web
发帖数: 1072

asp.net is server-side script,that's how it works.But you can combine client
side javascript in this scenario.

【在 d****t 的大作中提到】
: Does .net support some javascript features? For example:
: (1) Shopping cart: items can be added to or deleted from a diplayed shopping
: cart once users clicks some checkboxes on a item list webpage. I found there
: is no refresh at all after selecting an item in javascript, but there will be
: a refresh after an item is checked if we want to update the shopping cart
: content once an item is selected.
: (2) Simliarly, if we want to display coresponding cities for a state once it
: is clicked on the same web

发帖数: 12
Sure,you can do that. You can combine javascript with asp.net. This because
you can associate html controls with javascript and embed those controls in
.aspx page just like what you usually do in .html page.All web controls
delivered by .net are server side controls by default. For your example
1>Use asp.net checkbox instead of html checkbox and set it as
autopostback.Whenever you click this checkbox,the page will be refreshed.
2>Use html checkbox instead of asp.net checkbox.Write javascript as

【在 d****t 的大作中提到】
: Does .net support some javascript features? For example:
: (1) Shopping cart: items can be added to or deleted from a diplayed shopping
: cart once users clicks some checkboxes on a item list webpage. I found there
: is no refresh at all after selecting an item in javascript, but there will be
: a refresh after an item is checked if we want to update the shopping cart
: content once an item is selected.
: (2) Simliarly, if we want to display coresponding cities for a state once it
: is clicked on the same web

1 (共1页)
static or else?How to check a linked table?
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问题又来了.drawing in c#
怎样用c#编程模拟跟网页interact?Please help me with Infragistics XamDatagrid databinding
Jquery dialog问题请教ArrayList??
Button's refresh problemHow to change web method's name?
Nested Datalist layout!!麻烦推荐一本VB.NET书?
default !asp.net Ajax timer to update panel only but refresh whole page why? Thank you!
话题: javascript话题: item话题: shopping话题: cart话题: once